Mirajane is right

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"So miss Heartfilia..heard you been feeling unwell as you just describe to me" The doctor named Rosa told Lucy as she made an visit to the doctors, hoping Mirajane's theory could be wrong..which wasn't likely. 

"Looks like you might be pregnant but take this and give it back to me, so I can look at the result within a few mintues" Lucy nods numbly before going to the bathroom. "It might be possible chance then.." She burped. She sighs and went to take the pregnancy test.

Looking at herself briefly,  then wash her hands and enter the room where the doctor was "here you go" before handing the stick to the doctor gently. "Okay sit here and I will be right back" She assured the blonde before leaving the room.

She was nervous damn it..she was so young to be a mother as for Natsu being a father vice versa. Just waiting here for the results made her nervous as is. She looking forward and back to make sure no one was clear..because this was so embaressing when she does this..

*Burpppp* She covered her mouth with a flushed despite that no one was in the room when she burped yet again. Thank goodness she came back with the results..she was going nuts without knowing the results.

She had sex with him but with protection every single time..what is the difference this time? If she was pregnant..it would be his because he was the only one she slept with.

"You are indeed pregnant Ms. Heartfilia" She said looking at the blonde who was quiet. Mirajane was right afterall..she was indeed pregnant but for how long? "How long?" She question pursing her lips together. She wants to know..she had to know for sure.

"According to the results about a month at the most..which is werid because your symptoms should have come earlier than that" The doctor said her eyebrows burrowing. Lucy had the symptoms way before she concluded herself to be pregnant. She just play it off as food posioning..how stupid was she?

"Werid" Lucy said nothing saying anything else. "Come see me next month..so make the appointment since we are done here okay?" Lucy nods not trusting her voice. " Rosa smiles gently "I see you next time Lucy" she leave the girl alone in the room.

She touch her stomach gently rubbing it unknowningly. She smiles softly now knowing that she was happy to be wrong and that Mira was right in the first place. Her "Nalu" shipping is not only canon but becoming a family soon.

"I love you so much little one" she whispers softly "I love you already" 

She couldn't help but be excited and nervous at the same time, especially how she is going to tell Natsu that they were going to be parents soon!

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