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Jisung and Seungmin got up earlier than Hyunjin and Minho. They wanted extra time to get ready. "Minnie I can't believe you found someone"

"Is it that unbelievable?"

"Yeah minnie it is... I really happy you did"

"Thanks Ji, I'm happy you found someone too but if he hurts you I'll kill him."

Jisung laughed a bit. "Hyunjin isn't gonna do that so calm down you maniac"

"Just sayinggg"

The two talked and joked around while getting ready. The alphas woke up late as always but this time they both woke up confused. They followed the scents of their mates only to end up infront of the same door.

"So what do you think their doing in there?" Minho asked while scratching his head.

"Knowing Jisung He's playing dress up with Seungmin to find the perfect outfit. He looks perfect in everything though"

"So cheesy hwang" Minho tried to open the door but it was locked. They were about to worry but heard Jisung yell at them from the other side of the door.

"Finally you lazy bums are up! Get ready and we'll meet you down stairs! And no hyunjin I'm not wearing that you horny ass!"

Hyunjin blushed remembering since he marked Jisung when they were close enough they could hear each other's thoughts. Well if they didn't block their thoughts which they would probably never do.

The two got ready and went downstairs to wait for their lovers.

"What'd you want him to wear?"


"Seriously? Didn't you spend like a week doing him already?"

"What can I say, he's addictive"

"I know I am" Jisung winked at hyunjin while coming down the stairs with Seungmin behind him. Both alphas were stunned by how lovely the two looked. It wasn't even that they were wearing anything out of the normal. They just looked amazing naturally.

"Stop starring and let's go. And Hyunjin, keep your eyes off of Jisung's ass." Seungmin stepped right behind Jisung to purposely block him from Hyunjin's view.

"Hey that's not fair! Why does Minho get to stare at yours then?"

Seungmin quickly whipped his head around to glare at Minho. "Okay but it's only fair that I'm able to look since I'm not able touch"

"Fine but I'm not helping you if you get hard." The omegas went to the car while hyunjin laughed at Minho.

"You sure know how to pick the feisty ones"

"Shut up He's just crabby because you're around"

"Oh? So he would help you?"

"Shut up" they eventually made their way to the car and got in. Hyunjin was driving so he asked where they were heading to. Jisung typed the address into the gps and just told hyunjin to follow the directions.

-15 mins later-

They arrived infront of a nice field with a large tree off to the side. "Where are we? Jisung are you sure you put in the right address?"

"Of course he did Minho! Just get out" Seungmin basically shoved Minho out the car, everyone else getting out immediately after. Seungmin and Jisung grabbed the backpacks they had brought with them and ran off towards the tree.

Hyunjin and Minho glanced at each other before rushing after the omegas.

"Minnie it's still here!"

"Thank god!" Jisung pulled out a small capsule with a key in it from a bush. Hyunjin and Minho were very confused until they saw Jisung unlock a small door on the tree trunk. They watched as Jisung and Seungmin went inside.

"What the-"

"Cmon Jinnie!" Hyunjin and Minho quickly followed their lovers up the ladder on the inside of the tree.

"Wow... Ji it's exactly how we left it" A tree house hidden from the outside.

"Minnie do you think the fairy lights still work?" He attempted to turn them on. Sure enough the tree house lit up from the beautiful fairy I lights.

"I'd say they do" Seungmin giggled. The two omegas got to work tidying up the place and dusting everything off. The alpha on the other hand were in awe of the large but cozy space completely hidden within the tree. Resting areas, what looked like a small kitchen, and a table area. There were multiple levels but all were neat and cozy. There were board games and cards left out along with pillows and blankets.

"Did you two build this?" Hyunjin asked.

"No, this tree house is kinda like a family heirloom. Seungmin's Eomma and my eomma were given it from their eomma and their eomma inherited it from their eomma. I think it was great great great great great halabeoji who built it"

"This place is really important to our family. Ji and I have made it out own now" Seungmin added on.

"Well we're honored to be here" Hyunjin held Jisung's waist and pecked his lips earning a glare from Seungmin.

"Who will it go to next when we're all gone?" Minho asked.

"Jisung's pups"

"What? Mine? What about yours? They're supposed to share" Hyunjin became a blushing mess thinking about what was just said. Pups with Jisung? What a lovely future to imagine.

"Jisung you know where I stand with that. And Minho also knows where I stand with that. He respects my choice, no pups."

"Maybe adoption" Minho added in. Seungmin paused for a second. "Maybe"

Jisung never understood why Seungmin was anti having pups. It wasn't because Jisung didn't respect that Seungmin had trama, he just didn't know. Being that they were so young when it happened Jisung's parents didn't want to let Jisung face the reality of the world yet and Seungmin didn't want to be treated like glass. So no one ever told him the dark part of Seungmin's past.

"But minnie~"

"No Jisung. No pups from me." Jisung pouted and crossed his arms.

"Fine then what movie are we watching?"

"Tangled?" Back to Disney movies just like the first night the four spent together.

"Sure" Seungmin shrugged. Hyunjin set up the project while Minho grabbed the snacks and the omegas set up the blankets and bedding.

Once the movie started it wasn't long before Jisung and Seungmin were singing, "when will my life begin~"

Hyunjin and Minho looked at their omegas like they were the most precious in the world. Of course to them they were. Minho smiled seeing how much the younger was enjoying himself. He believed Seungmin's smile could light up the whole world, such a lovely and contagious smile.

They stayed watching different movies for a while then they made some instant ramen with the hot water they brought.

"Mm i love instant ramen"

"You love anything you can make within a minute Ji" Seungmin laughed slightly.

"Shush" They went back to watching their movies until 11pm.

Lost but learned to love (2min)Where stories live. Discover now