Finding Ash

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Natasha POV:

Two years later, and we found our next recruit for team INFINITY. After completing a mission in Texas, Fury had rung the Avengers tower, reporting that another abandoned child had been found. Thor had been the one to pick up the phone and said he would be right over. Giving us 10 minutes to get onto the Quinjet, I ran into my room grabbed mine and Veri's in case of emergency bags, and sprinted outside. Carrying a annoyed Veri on my hip. The journey took half an hour, and the whole way everyone questioned who would be the child's adopted parent(s)? Everyone was up for it, but Fury normally gave the child to the person who was very attached. 

After arriving, we all ran out of the jet. Getting there first, Thor immediately melted after seeing the gorgeous child. With the same features as him, we all knew the girl could only belong to him. The girl herself, after seeing Thor giggled and ran her hand through his long hair. Thor, already in love with the child, picked her up and carried her back on the jet. A awe struck team following him.

When we got back to the jet, Thor took the child to a carpeted room to play and, after much tugging I took Veri and Carol took Echo. The three girls had a blast, laughing and falling over each other. But soon Veri asked the younger girl

"What's your name?" The girl gurgled and Veri looked up at Thor. He answered that she didn't have a name, and a confused Echo replied.

"Everyone has a name." Thor then presceded to explain how she, like the other two had been found as a baby and they didn't know the name. All the time as this was happening the baby managed to sneak away into Tony's makeshift lab. Climbing onto the desk, she sat up and nocked a load of ash from a previous experiment. 

"No! Not the ash!" Thor yelled worried about what Tony would do. Immediately I told Thor, not to yell at the child as she would start screaming. However the young girl just started to giggle. Me, seeing a good time to escape and leave Thor with the blame, turned to tell Veri to come but she was deep in thought.

"Ash!" She said. Yes its ash, I replied confused about what she was excited about. "No, her name should be Ash!" Echo nodded her agreemend and at the mention of the fine powder the child started to repeat Ash! Ash! This was enough for Thor as he eventually caved in and agreed. Sensing victory, the newely called Ash launched herself at Thor and collapsed into a fit of giggles.

Returning to the team, we told them what the child was to be called and there were shouts of,

"Suits her!" or

"What a lovely name, for a lovely child" or

"God she really is a power house!"

At this moment Fury walked in presenting the official papers stating Thor as the legal guardian of Ash. Thor signed quickly and ten minutes after Fury had left, the TV turned stating the newest news, that Thor of Asguard had adopted a child. Looking at the picture of Thor on the screen, and then back to the actual Thor in the room, the confused child poked the bright screen and attempted to stroke his beard. Coming into contact with nothing but a flat screen, the child gave up and instead settled for the real thing. This seemed to bring a smile onto Thor's face, as he picked her up and proceeded to twirl her above her head. Giggling profusely, the other children in the room, excited about how much fun their new friend was having, also were lifted up into the air and I couldn't help but thank whatever God there was for this family I had.

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