Syo Kurusu x Reader: Crash!

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Syo Kurusu x Reader

Requested By Kawaii_Neko327


He looked at you. You couldn't believe he was looking at you! Your heart started to pound in your chest at his current gaze. To escape the power of it, you turned away, but it still burned holes in the back of your head. You glance back over at him. His light blonde hair shining from the light coming from the classroom window. His blue eyes deep with an expression between an Intense gaze and curiosity. Somehow, you didn't know how to feel about it. 

Could this be from earlier in the cafeteria when you bumped into him? You remembered how he had dumped his food onto the floor before anybody could do anything about it. That expression on his face when he saw you could never be forgotten. Embarrassment? You were still trying to figure it out. Now here you are. 

Once the bell rang, you got up, after grabbing your stuff and shuffling your way to the long waited exit. As soon as you made in to the freedom of the hallway, something knocked you into the floor with a gasp. But... something wasn't quite right, though. You opened your eyes and saw that blonde haired boy on top of you. 

You felt your heart almost burst through your chest, his arms on either side of your body. His face turned fully red, along with yours. But before either of you could have any other reaction, he bursted out with laughter as he rolled off of you and swung his bag over his shoulder while standing up. After a moment of shock, you scramble to your feet and try to get away when suddenly, he grabs you by the wrist.

 Through the last laugh he said, "Ha! Now we're even! You're going to be late to class now," he smirked. Then it turned into a bright smile "My name is Syo Kurusu."

Flustered, you let out "Aren't you going to be late now, too!" 

His eyes widened with realization and a gasp. "Oh!" he looked onward. "Right!" 

There was a slight pause as if for him to think. He then, too quick for you to think, pecked you on the lips, making both of you turn beet red. He released your wrist and took off quickly. Before he sped off to far he looked back at you. 

"See you later," He said, leaving you with your fingers pressed against your lips. 


You smiled to yourself at that thought. 


A/N: Hey you guys, sorry that this took way longer than expected to come out. Things got really out of hand for a bit but hopefully I can slowly but surely fulfill all of the requests and maybe even open them back up. So, I will be looking forward to doing this again.  Thanks to all of you for the support. ^.^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2016 ⏰

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