Fm reader x (Wisp!)Venti,- oh you little wisp!

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( Note: Some of these one-shot  stories will be a little  like a series, where  there's just A string of events, so venti will remember a couple of previous one shots. This one continues from the day after the ball, which was the first one shot I did, so we'll  call this... part 2!!)

Genre: fluff,  all fluff.

It was a normal day in Mondstadt today. Where the sun peaked from the mountains to play, the foxes happily frolicking in the tall grass,

And you, who  set out your hand on your forehead, looking at the sky as the wind  made your hair billow.

"Time the sunrise was over.. usually  the sky is still somewhat a lightish pale shade  of  blue..."  You muttered under your breath, wow, about time your getting poetic in here.

It's been quite a long time since you came in tact with the wind-bounded city,  just piercing a glare at it made you home..

You could remember the day  before, how you and the bard laughing as you both peered into the night sky, him explaining about the stars to you and how they're more of huge, glistening comets in the world of  Tevyat and how much closer the stars really were from the ground of Liyue, to the sky of Mondstadt. The tales he sung about every single star far from their beloved home -which somewhat felt like your home.

As you clasped your hands together and looked up at the sky,  it wasn't long until your alone time was interrupted by a certain...creature.

You looked towards the creature, examining it carefully before you decidedly turn around, walking away.

The  Wisp-looking creature made a seelie-like noise of curiosity, as it kept hovering towards you.

You started to power walk.

The wisp still didn't  seem leave you alone.

You started running away from the wisp-like-seelie-thing you weren't any faster than it as  it appeared  in front of you once again.

"Okay. What is your business with me today?  What are you? A spirit among the deceased? Your definitely not a seelie and I don't know who you a-"

You were sidetracked by the  Wind spirit's little face, realizing how cute it was. It's  small little face was so cute  and innocent, it's little outfit, robe,  and everything... and not to mention it's chubby cheeks... oh my god, you are in love.


"well...your cute!"  You walk up to the  Wisp, lightly holding your hand out as you wait for the wisp to land on your hand.

But it declined.


You tried once again, and the chubby little spirit declined to  sit on your hand.

"Aw..well that sucks....." You sighed... this tiny wisp-spirit thing was not going to trust you at all, no matter how cute it was. However, it was still making cute mouth sounds, like clicking..or the sounds of  bells.

You placed a hand on your chin, deep into thought.

"How do I get this little guy to trust me?....maybe in a way like I treat animals?...petting won't work...or maybe  perhaps.....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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Venti Oneshots| by MissSaccharinistWhere stories live. Discover now