Shatter Me

196 3 5

Influence of Acorns on the Ecosystem.

Dana Torbina



Focus Question:

What role does an acorn play in an ecosystem?


The focus of this project was an acorn and its role in an ecosystem[HR1] . Acorn is a type of nut that grows on Oak trees. The Oak trees are usually found in Europe, Asia, and North America. Some types of Oak trees as many other trees can only grow in a very specific environment. For example, the Stone Mountain oak "grows only on the rock surface of Stone Mountain, near Atlanta, Georgia, and in a few similar areas, according to the Arbor Day Foundation[HR2] " (Bingaman). There are many different types of Oak trees, like the red Oak, or the white Oak. They are usually the dominant tree species in most forests. Acorns are seeds of Oak trees. They are too heavy for the wind to carry them, so organisms, such as jays and squirrels, scatter them around the forest in order for the acorn to turn into a tree. Thus, "some animals bury seeds, like squirrels with acorns, to save for later, but may not return to get the seed. It can grow into a new plant" (Schwartz, 2009). Acorns are also the source of food for a lot of organisms in the forest. They include birds, such as jays, pigeons, some species of woodpeckers, and ducks. Some small mammals that feed on acorns are mice, squirrels, and some other species of rodents[HR3] .


The main purpose of this experiment was to develop a thorough understanding of an acorn's role in an ecosystem. Anecosystem is "a community of plants, animals and smaller organisms that live, feed, reproduce and interact in the same area or environment." (UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Plant Research)[HR4] . Acorns as many other nuts influence the population of species in an ecosystem. If the number of the acorns increases, there would be more food for organisms to consume. Therefore, fewer organisms would die due to lack of food. More organisms would reproduce causing the rise of their population. For example, if there are more acorns for squirrels to eat, the reproduction rate of squirrels would increase. Further, the population of predators, such as foxes that prey on squirrels, would also increases because there would have more food for them. Acorns can also make the species population smaller. In the modern days, humans require Oak wood for multiple purposes. If humans cut down Oak trees, fewer acorns would reproduce causing the population of squirrels and other organisms that consume acorns to go down. The reason is that there would be less food than the number of organisms needed them for survival. If the population of squirrels decreased, the population of predators that hunt them would go down as well. Therefore, it is very important to keep ecosystems in balance[HR5] .


Materials[HR7] :

1 orange tray

1 rock pick hammer

1 small magnifying glass

1 small blue tweezers

5 brown acorns

2 standard safety goggles

1 blunt end probe

1 sharp end probe

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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