Basic Rules

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Hi! Welcome to my Pokémon Shippings g Fanart book! Here are some basic rules for this book.

1) Requests are always welcome! Just put the request on either this chapter or the newest chapter.

2) You can request multiple ships at the same time.

3) You can request a ship I have already done as long as I can find more fanart for it. If I can't find additional fanart for it, then I will message you.

4) Don't hate on any of the ships that are in this book. Hate will not be tolerated and will result in me muting you.

5) This isn't a rule, but none of the fanart in this is mine. All credit goes to the owners. I own absolutely nothing in this book.

That's all of the rules for now. If I think of additional rules, I will add them.

Anyways, until next time,

Au Revoir

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