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Chad starts to tear up as Vy realizes what she just said. In fear, she runs back to the safehouse, leaving Chad.
Chad text Melvin.

Chad- Hey melvin...

Melvin- what's up bud?

Chad- Can you go to the park.. I'm not ok rn.. tell daniel that Vy is coming back to the safehouse.

Melvin- yea yea ofc. I'm on my way.

Chad turns off his phone, starting to cry.

At the safehouse

Melvin- Guys. Vy is on her way back. I'm going to go get chad. He isnt alright. I'll be back in a bit.

Melvin walks out of the safehouse to go to chad. A few mins later, he sees chad really really sad which he has never seen before so he rushes over to him and sits next to him.

Melvin- hey Chad? What's wrong bud. Dont say nothing because that would be lying.

Chad- Dont worry about it.

Melvin- cold.. did vy say anything to you?

Chad- Yes but I dont want to talk about it.

Chad starts to fidget with his hands and Melvin notices. Melvin gives chad one of his sensory toys to fidget with and Chad calms down a bit.
Panicked, Chad starts to cry and opens up about what Vy said.

Chad- VY SAID SHE DOSENT KNOW WHAT LOVE IS ANYMORE! Does she not love me? Did she ever? What happened to her? She didnt did she? She never did? Ik she didnt.

Melvin- Woah chad. Breathe. Calm. Calm. Calm. Breathe..
Your definitely not ok.. let's get you back to the safehouse.

As the 2 go back they bump into vy and chad runs farther away starting to cry again.

Melvin chases after chad and successfully gets him back in the safehouse even though Vy is there aswell.

Immediately after they run in, chad walks to another room to avoid Vy.

Regina- woah. What happened?

Melvin- idk if they want me to say so I wont.

Chad finally comes out cooled off, ready to be around Vy without feeling anger.

Regina- woah chad? You ok?

Chad- I'm Fine regina.

Daniel- What happened?


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