Chapter Six

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Becky's POV

Logan was looking really gorgeous with his light brown hair and blue eyes. When we got to Jason's party we could see the already drunk people and we could heard the music from 3 blocks away just gradually getting louder and louder.

" I can't believe I'm here with this jackass!" My thoughts were as loud as my words alone. I know he wanted to know what I was feeling. I knew that he would hate me even more than he already did.

"He looks so good but I know he hated me. So I have to hate him back. I didn't want to hate him though it was hard enough loving him..."

We went into the party together but not together. Everyone stared at us as we walked in. I got pulled away by Jason who was halfway drunk already.

I glanced over at Logan who was halfway drunk even though we have only been there for at least 20 minutes. I didn't notice but Jason had been giving me sex on the beach and I didn't know. I thought he was giving me orange pop.

I didn't know it but I was drunk myself. I see Logan coming over and so does Jason. Before I realized what Jason was doing he forces himself on me and starts kissing me passionately. I try to push him away but I can't. So Logan comes and pulls him away and Jason goes flying. Jason hits the wall and screamed at Logan to leave.

"I will never leave when my girl is going to be in the arms of a dick like you."

"I can't believe he called me his girl..." My thoughts were so unclear now. I thought he hated me but was he really calling me his girl? When Logan stormed out, I followed him for a block and a half still hearing the music from a block and a half away. When we got out of sight from all the people, I asked him if he really thought I was his girl. Then out of nowhere I kissed him. I kissed Logan.

"What! Why would you do that?!" I was crushed when I heard him say that when he finally pulled back.

"I thought you said I was your girl?"

"I only said that to get him off of you! Go back to the party!" Then I watched him just storm away. He looked back once and just stared at me. Probably wishing he didn't say that.

I ran back to the party and met up with Jason again (this time on purpose). He had gotten even drunker than when I last saw him. I just tried to forget about all that had happened but it was near impossible.

I started to flirt with Jason as much as I could. At that point I ordered another sex on the beach. This time I knew what I was actually ordering. I kept getting drunker and drunker as the night went on.

After the party died down a little past 4 am everyone started to leave. Eventually the only people left were Jason and I. My mind was racing.

"Should I have called Logan to pick me up?" My thoughts were everywhere when a piercing voice came through the silence. It was Jason.

"Hey do you have a ride home?" I didn't think I did unless Logan came back for me. I knew he wouldn't though.
"No but I can call my parents cause you are still too drunk to do anything."

"Yeah so are you. What are you going to say if you call them?"

I had never even thought of that. What would I say? "Sorry I was out until 5 am on a school night at a party of a guy I didn't even know..."

"Why don't you stay the night?"

"Umm I don't know. Where's the bathroom?"

"Upstairs to the right"

"Thanks I'll be back."

I ran up the stares as fast as I could. Would I really stay here? On my way to the bathroom I caught a glance at Jason's room and had a strange desire to go and sleep right then and there. I know that would be weird. Have him come up looking for me and me be passed out on his bed.

I finally reached the bathroom. I called Logan but it went straight to voicemail. I was about to scream when I heard footsteps and realized I didn't lock the door. Jason was about to knock when I swung open the door and there he was. As soon as he saw me he started kissing me again.

"Why me?!" My head felt like it was about to explode and my heart was beating out of my chest. I know this is wrong but surprisingly I want him so bad.

He stopped and looked at me for a second.

"Want me to keep going?"

My head was saying no but my heart said yes.

"Hell yes keep going!"

He started kissing me more and more. Finally we got to his bedroom. He stopped and pushed me onto his bed. When I hit the bed he closed the door still staring at me.

"Wouldn't want anyone to see."

After it finally closes. He comes over and lays me down real gentle. Totally unlike Jason at least I think. It's the first time I am having sex. I really wanted him though. I was just hoping no one finds out...

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