Chapter Eleven: Progress

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IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Because this story is approaching its end, I'm preparing to post another story immediately after the last chapter comes out. However, I just want to let you all know right off the bat that I'm a multishipper so my next story is gonna closely follow Diluven as the main ship. I understand this isn't everyone's cup of tea, but nobody panic because I will be posting other Xiaoven stories in the future, this isn't the last one I'm gonna do on this account. Thank you to everyone who voted and commented on this story, all the support really means a lot to me. Enjoy the chapter!


There came a hideous screech that would haunt Aether's dreams for years to come as the creature swooped low over his head, snatching at him with razor-sharp talons, fully intending to tear his flesh from his bones. He only just managed to pivot out of the way, swinging his sword around to drive the sharp point into the known weak point at the back of the creature's neck, just above the spot where its long, sinewy neck connected with its shoulders.

The entire damp, musty cave seemed to tremble as the creature screamed at the top of its lungs, whipping its lithe body around and snapping viciously at the tip of metal embedded in its neck, trying to be rid of the sword. But Aether refused to withdraw until he was forced to, pushing on the hilt of his blade with all his might, trying to drive the point deeper into the gap he'd created between the creature's diamond-hard scales. The mutual struggle came to an end when the creature lashed out with its claws, nearly scraping Aether's face off and forcing him to yank his sword free of the creature's neck for fear of losing an eye.

This was how Aether's life had been going for the past week and a half since the creature's lair had been found. Sometimes he brought reinforcements, other times he went alone to see if the number of people in the lair caused different results to be had. It was all one big experiment to find a method of killing the horrible creature that had been plaguing Mondstadt for far too long.

But regardless of how many people Aether had with him or the weapons he used, nothing seemed to be working. He could hurt the creature and make it bleed, but he could never kill it. He was beginning to wonder if the creature was impenetrable.

At least Xiao and Venti are safe. There's no way this thing can track them down in Liyue while I'm keeping it pinned down here. Aether thought to himself, as the creature began lunging at him in an attempt to bring him down while he carefully sidestepped each and every one of the attacks, occasionally deflecting them with his sword whenever he found he couldn't get out of the way in time.

If there was one thing Aether had noticed, the creature was a bit of a control freak. It had a certain way it liked to do things, and whenever its plans fell apart it resorted to killing witnesses and anyone else unfortunate enough to be in the way like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Now that its lair had been discovered and it was being attacked by Knights day in and day out, it was getting extremely angry. Its attacks were sloppier, less coordinated, because each one was fueled by rage. Aether planned to use this to his advantage. For such a powerful, relentless animal, anger as a result of loss of control would be its downfall.

But as of right now, the creature was holding fast. It refused to be killed, and it refused to just lay down and give up despite knowing it was cornered. It had learned already that anywhere it tried to run, it would be found. That didn't stop it from fighting back with all its might and all the force of its own evil.

Aether's life had become a gruesome battle, the loser of which would pay for their defeat with their life.


Xiao turned the newest letter from his friends over in his hands, unable to stop thinking about the words that had been written there.

Aether had been hammering away at the creature for what felt like ages now, doing his damnedest to destroy it before it could hurt anyone else. It was terrifying, in all honesty. He was tempting fate every time he entered the creature's lair, and knowing him, he was more than willing to sacrifice himself if it meant Mondstadt would be safer and happier in the long run.

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