Meeting The Person Who Saved His Life

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TRIGGER WARNING: Talk about Family death and Drug Abuse/ Overdose

"Again! Really?"

"I see you are up."

"What happend this time, and where are my Aunt and Uncle."

"Well you where walking down the hall and passed out because of lack of oxygen but someone caught you before you hit the floor and your Aunt and Uncle were not here when I carried you into the room."

"Someone caught me?"

"Yes, room 232 if you would like me to go get him for you. He seemed worried about you like you knew eachother but he said he had no idea who you were. He also wanted me to let him know when you woke up but I need your permmision to do that."

"Sure you can let him know so he doesn't have to worry about me."

"Okay, but you need to stay in the bed because you could have been seriously injured when you left the room unsupervised. I will also contact your Aunt and Uncle to have them come back because you are still a minor and I legally need to let them know what had happend."

"Whatever it's your job and if you don't do it you could be fired."

Dr. Bane left the room to go to room 232 to let the teen you caught Louis earlier know he was awake. He knocked on the door before entering.

"Sir, the other teen in room 228 woke up."

"He did, can I go see him?"

"Yes, but only if he says yes when I ask him. You can wait outside for when he anwsers."

"Okay, can we go now."

"Sure follow me."

They reached Louis room and Dr. Bane knocked on the door before entering to let Louis know somneone wanted to visit him.

"Louis the boy who caught you wants to come visit. I need your anwser of whether or not he can come in."

"I guess he could since he saved my life."

"Okay. You can come in now."

The teen walked into the room to see louis laying on the bed with cords attached to him to monitor his heartbeat and other things. Dr. Bane left to let louis Aunt and Uncle know what had happend. After Dr. Bane left the room the teen finally spoke.

"Hey, I should probably introduce myself. I am Harry the person who saved you."

"Hello, you probably have no idea who I am but you still rushed to help me... a total stranger. How did you even see me falling I thought you were in your room farther away?"

"I was but my mom fell asleep so I was looking at the people walking through the hall and you caught my eye... so I was walking to go talk to you and social with people. It's what my mom said I should be doing. Anyways where are your parents shouldn't they be here?"

"Yeah, I wish they could be. They passed less than a month ago along with my siblings."

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to bring up that. You're probably still grieving over their loss. I also lost my dad, he died of a drug overdose and I still have nightmare of finding his body."

"Sorry for your loss, I lost my siblings and parents to a drunk driver behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler. I still wonder if it was a fast death or painful, although the Doctors said it was painless how would they know?"

"True, I still wonder that too."

"Oh, Thank you for saving me back there in the halls the Dr said I could have died. Why is your mother in the hospital if you don't mind me asking."

"She has cancer and they actually caught it to late and she has only a month left at most."

"Wow, that must have been a lot to have been told. Shouldn't you be with her you could lose her within the matter of seconds."

"Yeah, I should be but she is sleeping and I wanted to check on you and see if you are alright after that sudden fall earlier."

"Again, thank you but I wouldn't mind if you left to go spend time with your mom."

"Don't mean to be weird but you could come meet her, she wouldn't mind she likes having visitors."

"If the doctor allows me I would be happy to put a smile on her face."

"Ok, I will go get him and see if you can go to her room."

Harry walked out of the room to find Dr. Bane talking with a nurse.

"Excuse me Dr, is it okay if Louis goes to see my mom?"

"Um, I would have to check how he has been doing. If he has been doing fine than he's cleared to go see your mom."

Dr. Bane walked with Harry to Louis room to check how he has been doing.

"Looks like Louis has been doing great and he hasn't had another panick attack. So I say he is good to go to see your mom, just be careful."


Louis and Harry left the room to go see Harry's mom. When they entered the room they found his mom awake.

"Hey, mom your awake. You have a visitor."

"Oh, who is it I didn't know anyone was coming."

"It's someone I met in the hospital. His name is Louis."

"Oh, Louis that is a very beautiful name."

"Thank you."

Louis, Harry, and his mom talked for a bit before Louis' Aunt and Uncle came to sign release forms and pick Louis up.

"Louis your Aunt and Uncle are here to pick you up."

"Oh, okay give me two minutes. Sorry I have to go my Aunt and Uncle are not patient."

Harry and Louis walked out of the room to the hall so they could say goodbye.

"If it's not weird to ask, May I have your number so we can stay in contact?"

"Um, yeah here it is."

Louis and Harry exchanged number and then Louis left to go back to his "home."

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