Hold my hand

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This is part two I hope you enjoy this is my first story so I hope it's good <3

Ryuji's P.O.V

I got up this morning, I had a dream about her again, I can't remember I never can, but I want to, badly. I think about her all the time I get up early to meet her at her door to walk her to school. I don't think she likes me too much, but soon that will change, I am determined. My crush started awhile ago and the more I watch her the more I fall for her.

It was about two months ago that I noticed her she was walking home and saw a puppy on the side of the road she stopped to pet it, I never noticed her before but when I saw her I knew that she wasn't the mopey girl everyone else knew. From there my crush got bigger and bigger I couldn't contain it, she was in most my classes so I got to see her a lot.

(Flash back)

I had to tell someone my best friend Takami, he was standing by the outside the door of homeroom.
"Dude, Takami I got bad news I mean good news, well I don't know" "what is it man?" "There's a girl I like her how do I tell her" "ohhh a girl, you came to the right guy, first thing you gotta talk to her charm her make her fall in love with you, you gotta be stern take charge, slam her against a wall and confess your love make it romantic and that's it from there I don't know do whatever man."

"Sweet man, thanks that really helps"
"Yeah no prob, who is this girl anyway?"
"Izumi" "Izumi no way she's a total downer, she's like worst girls ever, you could've had Hashi with those looks what are you thinking?"

"What no way Izumi is totally way more hot and sweet and so so awesome and she is so complex like her personality is hers and hers alone."

"whatever man like who you want. It's prob not gonna work out anyway."
"Whatever man I'll talk to you later, thanks for the advice."
"Yea see ya"

(End of flash back)

I showed up at the front of her house I guess I could of slept in a bit because I was waiting for awhile, my heart skips a beat when her door opens I see her, she's so beautiful.
" hey miss Izumi, how's it going "

Kyoko's P.O.V
"Fine" I have learned to just answer him, he's less annoying that way. "just fine huh, how can I make it better?" "You can't" "are you sure? What if we continue our little conversation from yesterday" "no" "okay" he's following behind me then he walks a little faster to catch up to me and bow's down so his mouth is just a few inches from my ear and his chin is hovering over my shoulder.

"Can I hold your hand, no one has to know, actually you know what I am just going to do it and if you don't want me to then shake your hand away and I'll never touch you again, okay" his hand moving down my arm and to my hand, never touch me ever again huh I don't know I need more time to think about him I have so much to worry about already. His hand finally reaching mine and he grips my hand tight and I do not grip his, my fingers are weak in his hand but not fully resistant, "you tell anyone and your dead" "got it." I don't really care if someone knows just so he doesn't think this means anything, as far as I know I don't like him but I have to be honest it is nice to have someone hold my hand even if he is just doing for some reason of his own.

Ryuji's P.O.V

We are about a block away from school I let go of her hand and said goodbye to her, I know that she doesn't like me so much I was going to ask her on a date after school but I don't think she would say yes even if she wanted to. I was going to bring her to this spot where it looks down at all the beautiful scenery and I had the picnic set up and everything. I don't know, why would I ever think that she would fall for me, no I can't think like that, she really won't fall for me if I get caught up in my insecurities. Maybe I should ask her at the end of the day and just drag her there so she doesn't have much time to think about it, yeah that's what I'll do.

So I did just that "hey miss Izumi, what's up are you planning on doing anything today when you get home?" "no, why?" "well then, I guess you wouldn't mind coming with me to, uh help me with something important yeah important" "important?" "yes please come I need your help and you are the only one in the whole world who can help me with it" "I highly doubt that but where to" "just somewhere I can't tell you what we are doing though it's top secret, so you coming or what" I can tell she kinda wants to say no "yeah, whatever I'll come but it can't be too long, okay" "you got it princess" "don't call me that it's weird and creepy" "you got is sweet-" " shut up just call me by my name stupid that's weird" "okay"

Just like that we were on our way to our first date together, well I guess I was the only one who knows it's a date, hehe.

Kyoko's P.O.V

I know it's date,
but do I still want to have an excuse for not having to walk in my house with my pathetic parents giving me the death glare for plainly existing, yes and do I care that it's a date, no because it doesn't matter I won't ever fall for the odd excuse of a boy and I just don't want to deal with my parents right now, although I don't think spending time with him is any better ugh, I don't know what I'm doing with my life. "Are we almost there" "yes we are very close" "okay good, I don't know how much more walking my weak legs can do" "haha, you're funny miss" "uhh..." I stutter out of my mouth with hesitation , that's weird did he really think that was funny, that was the least funny thing I have ever said he is so weird.

"okay we are here" we are in front of a dark alleyway with a staircase leading down, "it looks like this hasn't been walked through in years" "oh that's not true I come here all the time" "no way I am going down there" "what are you scared, you want me to hold your hand like before?" "no, I think I can manage" we start going down him first.

- me your author, hoped you liked if you have any requests pls comment I'm willing to do anything well if it's in range you know what I mean.

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