Peppermint and Liquorice

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Did I just out myself to Steve?

I totally did, didn't I?

What a doofus I am.

Outing myself to my mom's boyfriend!


He isn't... one of them, right?

Or maybe he didn't realize?

If he didn't then he's gonna by your panicked silence, you dork.

Don't talk to us like that me!

Why did I say to us there is no one else in this empty husk of misery.

Well not empty, my organs are in there.

Is it talking if all I'm doing is thinking?

Dearie me, this is so awkward.

It was awkward before but now it's worse.

Can I go?

Am I allowed to just... leave?

Like my dad lol.

Did I seriously just say lol in my own mind what am I, an e-girl?

Those are the ones that say lol and uwu in casual conversation right?

I think so.

In 5 minutes Jordan had successfully outed herself, made Steve incredibly uncomfortable by staring at him for 1 minute straight, and missed the climax of the movie.

After the movie, Steve and Jordan's mother, Claire, got ready for bed while Jordan packed her lunch for school the next day and picked out her clothes as well. She shivered as a breeze from the window came in. Walking over to close the window she failed to notice bright strawberry blonde hair just below the sill. Jordan went along with her routine and still couldn't feel a pair of light blue eyes watching her every move. Or see the hands that touched the window or hear the words fall from a pair of pumpkin colored lips.

Good night, my sweet...

Cindy did everything she could to garner attention from Jordan. Cindy studied what she studied, loved what she liked, and baked her sweets. But their town would not be accepting of their love. So she had to keep her affections secret. Pretend it wasn't all for her. So Jordan, unobservant and misfortuanate Jordon, never realized her feelings. Even after 6 years of Cindy being sickly sweet.

Cindy didn't mind. As long as Jordan was happy she didn't care if they were just friends. Until after high school that is. After that Cindy will whisk Jordan away to their happily ever after far far away from their close minded hometown.

But for now Cindy just waited outside the window and watched Jordan fall asleep before heading to Carli's house.

"Hey you're late!" Carli said puffing her cheeks out in mock anger.

"Sorry Carli! You know how I am with time." Cindy gave her best puppy eyes. Carli giggled at her antics shaking her head at the blonde.

"Drop your stuff then meet in my room."

Upon arriving in a poorly lit bedroom she took a seat next to Gabriela on the bed.

"So what are we watching?" She whispered to the ginger.

"Some yandere stalker film. The classic girl has amnesia, boy pretends to be her husband, yada yada, blah blah blah."

"How much do you wanna bet he'll tie her to the bed?"

"I'd bet my life that he one hundred percent does."

"Oh I meant like candy but ok crazy. I bet you one liquorice and peppermint cupcake he doesn't."

"Who puts liquorice in a cupcake? Cindy, are you sure you aren't the crazy one?" Carli said from her position by Gabriella's side. They all laughed and the night drifted on lazily.

"So meet at my house for liquorice and peppermint cupcakes?" Cindy asked as they sat in the cafeteria.

"Only if one of you walks me over. That stalker film genuinely creeped me out." Carli replied, making a big show of giving puppy eyes to Gabriella. "Gabby you'll protect me from a creepy stalker right?"

"No way what if they go after me?" Gabriella laughed as she pushed Carli away jokingly.

Jordan watched from across the room as Cindy and her friends filled the lunch room with laughter and voices.

"Jeez they are so loud." Kyle complained.

"At least they do their parts of the project." Klea complained.

"Ok I was going to do it! I just... forgot..." His voice tapered off at the end. Klea and Jordan snickered at his poor excuse.

"That's a worse excuse than when you said your fish ate your homework." Jordan teased.

"Hey you don't know that he didn't!" Kyle exclaimed as the bell rang.

"Yeah sure the goldfish totally ate a 3 page packet of math equations sure." They collected their stuff and parted ways to their first class of the day.

Cindy practically ran forward to catch up with Jordan.

"Hey Jordan!" The brunette jumped in surprise.

"Jeez louise Cindy you scared the heck out of me!"

"Sorry not sorry, scaredy-cat. Did you read the last section, yet?"

"Yeah! It's kinda sad how no one showed up at his funeral."

"Yeah but it's kinda his fault that happened, all his friends were criminals."

"True. Plus he sorta stalked Daisy the entire time didn't he? Such a creep."

They sat at their desks and pulled out their copies of the Great Gatsby.

"Mhm definitely."

"I mean he was seriously obsessed with her!"

"Yeah I mean who just expects someone to up and leave their entire life for someone they haven't seen in like 5 years?"

"No rational person that's who."

"But you have to think about it from his perspective. He was in love with her. If you were in love would you be able to move on?" The teacher said walking over to the girls desk group as the last students walked in.

"After 5 years of no contact and finding out they have a husband and a kid? Yeah I think I just might." Jordan replied jokingly.

"Well I think we should open up this little discussion to the rest of the class!" The teacher's voice boomed as he started to address the rest of the class. "Let's do a quick poll. First raise your hand if you think Gatsby is a bit too obsessed with Daisy." Most of the students raised their hands. "Can someone who didn't raise their hand explain why they don't think that? Ah yes Carson, go ahead."

"I think that it was just plain old love. He wants to see Daisy happy and she's clearly not happy with Tom." Carson said from his seat.

"And a response from the prosecution?" Asked the teacher. "Willowdean."

"How would he know if she was happy or not? He never even talked to her until Nick came along! He even tried to get her to lie and say she never loved Tom. Plus she moved away from home so he didn't know where she was until he hunted her down."

"Now I wouldn't say he hunted her down but that is a good point Willowdean. And after we all take the test we can talk through this a bit more. Everyone put your books away, you won't need them."

Jordan sighed while Cindy contemplated her plan. Would she be just like Gatsby if she went through with her plan?

No of course not! Gatsby was a creep! Plus their families are friends and it's not like Cindy is a criminal planning to steal her entire life away! Right? Right.

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