Bathrooms and Knights

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I need to use the bathroom.

But on another note, Everett has gone seriously crazy

I mean dragons and knights are fairytale things

And he keeps calling me 'princess'

But, like, not in a condescending way?

At least Sarah and Allison are pretty chill

I can't believe it's been the amount of time it has

It seems like only yesterday Sarah hated me.

Now she's playing Uno with me

Such character development from the henchmen

I think Everett, pre-breakdown, and Sarah would be cute together

Wait, am I shipping my captors?

That's creepy I shouldn't ship real people

I should see what Allison thinks

But then she'd probably tell them

Whatever I'll tell her

If she ever gets here that is

Seriously they can't leave the house anymore

Oh my goodness where are they?

I am seriously about to pee myself

Jordan shifted uncomfortable on the ground. Finally after what seemed like hours, but was really only minutes, Sarah came in. "Hey."

"Hey." Jordan replied, "Can you unchain me?"

"Bathroom or escape."

"Bathroom, Sarah. It's always bathroom."

"Have to ask."

"You really don't." Sarah unlocked the chain and let her go.

Someone pounded on the door, waking Everett up. He arose, cracking his back as he stretched aching from the uncomfortable position he had fallen asleep in last night. The pounding came in intervals. He moved with the off beats as if it was a rhythm game.

"1 2 3 4." He counted under his breath. Another knock. He got closer to the door. Allison sitting behind the couch. He opened the door, "Hello sir."

"Hello son, are your parents home?" asked a knight with silver hair.

"Not at the moment why?" Everett lied through his teeth, still holding tightly onto the notion he was in the right.

"Do you mind if I come in? Ask you a few questions?" The knight moved to come in but Everett barred the entrance. From his new vantage point he could see his squire waiting in their vehicle.

"Sorry I don't think my parents would like you to come in."

"Oh that's alright. Could we talk outside?"

Everett's mind was racing. Why was this knight so nice to him? Aren't the older ones supposed to be gruff and no nonsense? Why did he bring his squire on a house call? Are they both knights? Was the kingdom trying to replace him? They don't need to do that! He has it under control!

"Yeah." He closed the door behind him barely catching the top of Allison's head rise from behind the couch.

"I'm guessing you know about what's been going on around here?"

"The missing girls, right?"

"Yeah. We've been going around asking their friends and families about what might've happened to them and we heard you were friends with them."

"Yeah. I was."

Where was he going with this? Does he think Everett doesn't have this handled? Or does he not and he's just trying to get information for the kingdom?

"Do you know where Jordan might've been the night of Month X, H: MM?"

He did think Everett was failing his mission. Does he know it didn't go as planned? He had to know. Did he though? Or was this a trick by the enemy kingdom! Lie lie lie lie.

"Yeah we went out."

"Where did you go?"

"Just to a restaurant, you know the one in the plaza?"

"Oh yeah I know which one. Do you know where she went after?"

"I walked her home. Well, halfway."

"Why only halfway?" Why did he say halfway? Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"My house is kinda far from hers. She didn't want me to have to walk all the way in the opposite direction."

"And you didn't see anyone when you parted ways?"

"I saw a car. But it was probably one of the neighbors."

"What did the car look like?"

"I don't know it was kinda silver?" It was in his driveway, and very much not silver. "I didn't get a good look at it." His mom had owned the car for 10 years now.

"And you don't remember seeing or maybe hearing anything else?" Hearing? Was this guy trying to psych him out?

"No I didn't." It didn't work.

"Alright thanks, that's all I need. Have a good day, kid."

"You too, Officer." The knight left and Everett stayed, watching the knight and his squire (or fellow knight) pull out of the driveway and turn into the street and drive into the day.

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