Fates design

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" such a sad waste of great men!" The young girl cried staring at the bodies of the mighty fallen. Her young body reflecting the young moon above.

Two black clad figures gave each other a knowing look as they stood behind the powerful goddess.

"These men have long been in my dreams. Three souls cry out for the injustice at such a sad but glorious end." She knelt down amongst the bodies. "Aidoneus you must reincarnate them. " her silver gaze pierced into the lord of the underworld.

The dark God walked toward his old fried gazing at the bodies of the heroes. He couldn't cheat death of all of them. Death who stood back and gazed at the souls to be taken and passed judgment on would get his due.

"Not all of them can I save Hecate. Persephone rules over this process. She will need to be here." He sighed heavily knowing what that would mean. " she is with her mother at the moment"

"Please my friend." Her small hand rested upon his arm.

" very well" he sent his call through the ether. He prayed his mother in law was otherwise occupied.

The long moments of waiting where only the crashing waves and the crows call filled the silence. In a flash of smoke and fire came the goddess of the underworld. Her soft beauty oddly matching her husbands masculine stoicism.

She rushed to his open arms. It was sad that two immortals that loved so faithfully were separated by a goddesses selfish greed.

"Too long have you been away love" he murmured into her blond locks.

"Summer will soon end and I will be back in your arms soon enough. " she said kissing his cheek.

"What is it you need?" She turned to Hecate.

"Three souls cry out. Three must be saved. One hasn't died yet but by years end he will be"

"Are you sure that these three will welcome the new life that you may offer them?" Persephone asked coming to kneel down to stare at the two men who called to the goddess of witchcraft.

"Yes their fates are not finished yet. They must be sent to a future time. It is there their destinies lie"

"Stelios, Astinos, Dillios: three men who were fated to meet their twin souls. And yet were unable to do so. " she mused quietly

"I will do this thing but know that any grave change or horrible end will be on your shoulders to bear." She stood turning to her friend "are you sure that we can not let them be returned at a nearer time?"

" in this life time ones twin soul was a helot another's died in childbirth as the wife of another man. And the last one was an Athenian slave" she sighed heavily. "I see no good meetings or easy paths except in this distant time. "

"Very well once the other man dies we will do as you have asked. Take care of the bodies heal them. I'm sure my husband can see to the souls."

"It will be done. " the lord of the underworld agreed. "Thantos the rest are yours"

And then death smiled.
The first humans the gods created had four arms and legs four eyes two mouths four ears. The gods feared them so that they split them apart. Two people one heart one soul. Bound to find one another time after time until the worlds end and beyond.

Twin souls
Twin flames

They will test each other and challenge each other to be better. That is the cost of their love. It is never easy but it is surely a grand adventure.
1 year later

Hecate worked the spell to make sure the men's bodies were whole and healthy. Giving the souls knowledge of the language they would encounter. Striping them of all but their cloaks. She also worked a suited spell allowing them to wake as if having fallen asleep. Remembering all of what their previous life held.

Persephone and hades would never agree but she saw that it had to be done this way. And so as the three souls were gathered and placed back in their bodies and the goddess of the underworld sent them forward into their new life Hecate smiled. Her will had been done

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