˚ ☁︎ ˚ Race »

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Jungwon awoke with sweat dripping down his forehead.

He had a nightmare again.

Grabbing the pills from the drawer , he swallowed them , calming his heart beat.

He wiped off his tears and then cupped his face.


"What did you have for breakfast?",asked Sunoo.

"Kimchi stew.",Soli grinned , as both of them , entered the school building.

"I am jealous."

"Did you have bread again? HOW BORING!"

"Shut up.",he chuckled.

"Sunoo! I am taking part in the sports event!"

"SPORTS- YOU-",his jaw dropped.

"Yang Jungwon is participating too.",her lips formed a smile.

He heaved a sigh,"Get a grip, Sol ."

"Will you be participating too?"

"Maybe I will.Let's meet in the lunch break. I need to talk to Mr.Lee."

She nodded , waving him a 'bye'.

As she was walking towards her classroom, she witnessed Jungwon walking past her.

He seemed lost in some thoughts.


He paused , turning back to face her ,"What?"

"You have something on your face."

He rubbed his palm against his cheeks , hearing her.

"Cuteness.",she let out a soft chuckle and then, proceeded to walk towards her classroom.


"Participants choose your partner for three-legged race.",announced the P.E teacher.

Niki got hold of the cloth , walking towards Soli.

"Senior Jungwon. Let me be your woman-"

Darn reels she had been watching  -

Jungwon looked at her disbelief,"Be my wh-"

She slapped her own forehead,"I MEAN PARTNER !"

Niki mentally shook his head , hearing her.

This girl is hopeless-

"Min Soli. Team up with me.", spoke Niki  , extending the cloth to her.

Jungwon glanced at the unfamiliar boy and then, at his crush, Min Soli.

....the guy she had been holding hands with , yesterday.

"No. Sol is teaming up with me.",Sunoo joined the scene with a crease forming on his forehead.

She flashed an awkward laugh , not knowing how to react.

Niki grabbed her hand,"No. She is my partner."

Sunoo laughed in disbelief,"YOU-"

"Min Soli . You can be my partner.",Jungwon immediately spoke, witnessing the chaos.

"Hmm?",she seemed surprised.

"Do you want me to change my mind?",he raised his eyebrow.

"Jungwon , be my partner.",their senior , Lee Heeseung came from 'god-knows-where'.

Jungwon blinked,"Senior Heeseung?You are participating too?"

"Yes . I am fed up of studying.",he wrapped his arms around his shoulder , dragging him away.

"He is gone now. Be my partner.",Niki held her hand.

Sunoo grabbed her other hand , making Niki pause,"YOU BETTER STOP. JUNIOR."

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM , SENIOR ?",Niki snapped.



"STOP!",Soli raised her voice,"WHY ARE YOU FIGHTING? LET ME JUST TEAM UP WITH SOMEONE ELSE.",she jerked her hands off their grip and then, randomly went towards a senior.

"Do you have a partner?",she questioned.

"Not yet. Are you without a partner too?",the puppy like guy stared at her.

She hummed in response.

"Let's be partners then.",he beamed,"I am Sim Jaeyun."

She flashed a smile,"I am Min Soli."

Both of them , got ready for the race while Niki and Sunoo stood there , being dumbfounded.

The P.E teacher sighed glancing at them,"Sunoo and Niki. Why are you waiting there? Come and take your positions."

Both of them gave each other a death glare .





I turned back hearing her voice.

"You have something on your face."

I rubbed my palm against my face , hoping to remove whatever was on my face as I heard her.

"Cuteness.",she giggled and then, walked towards her classroom,turning back.

My cheeks heated up , turning red.

I bit my lower lip , holding back my smile.

Must she do this to me?

I wish I could tell you how I feel too , but...

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