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3rd person p.o.v

Chaewon noticed that she isn't hearing any sounds from her lover anymore

she checked for a second and found out that the latter fell asleep while cuddling

She slowly stand up,trying her best not to wake up her girlfriend

once she succeeded standing up, she slowly picked up a sleeping minju

she went to minju and yujin's room and knock on the door

Once the door opened revealing a sleepy puppy

"oh chaewon unnie,what wrong?" a sleepy yujin asked while letting chaewon in the room

"she fell asleep" the older answered while setting down a sleeping minju on her bed

Chaewon kissed minju's forehead before saying her goodbyes to yujin

"i gotta go now,bye daengz" the older said as she pats yujin's shoulder lightly

"ok unnie bye" yujin just said before waving a goodbye and going back to bed

as for chaewon, she already left the dorm,not forgetting to lock the door

she walked back to their dorm,since it was not really that far from iz*one's dorm

while walking,she opened her phone to check the time

"11 pm!??!....Shit! unnie's gonna kill me!" she said while fastening up her pace

its clear to tell that she's scared of her unnie, since the last time she went home late,she wasn't allowed to eat mint-choco ice cream for a week as a punishment

Once she got infront of their dorm's door,she took a deep breath first

'ok calm down Kim chaewon...its gonna be fine...no need to be scared' the girl whispered to herself while breathing heavily

once she calmed herself now,she put the key in and twisted the doorknob slowly

she peeked in first,and when she saw no one

she quickly went inside and try to run in her room,trying not to wake up the members

she was now passing through the kitchen when suddenly a loud voice startled her

"KIM CHAEWON!" and that loud voice came from Daehyun aka the mother of the group

"oh,u-uh h-hey" the scared cub nervously said

"HEY? AFTER COMING HOME LATE,YOU SAY HEY?!" the older said clearly mad at the younger

"ok look unnie im sorry i promise it wont happen again" the younger apologized

"where have you been anyway and why are you not answering our calls?" daehyun asked,softing her voice since she might wake the others

"oh i was in iz*one's dorm while cuddling with minju and i guess my phone was silent" the latter explained quickly

"ok fine,your forgiven my child" the older said as she calmed down

"can i still eat mint choc-" the younger's question was stopped

"yea,NO" the older said while walking back to her room

chaewon just pouted since she was really craving for mint-choco today

after sulking,she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and do her skincare

after those,she changed into her pajamas
and layed down on her bed

she is now really tired since for a whole day they we're working

she quickly fell asleep peacefully

kim minju p.o.v

i woke up on my bed while confused,
'how the hell did i get here' i said in my thoughts

since last night i remembered that i was cuddling with chaewon unnie on the couch

i opened my phone to find some unimportant emails,new announcements
and some more stuff

after that,i went to the kitchen to eat breakfast even though its already 11 am

after i cooked my breakfast i went to the table to eat

"minju-yahhhh~" a hamster approached me while eating

"what do you want yuri" i said in annoying tone since she only calls me in that tone whenever she wants something from me

"can i borrow your phone pwease" she said as she was doing an aegyo

"why?,and stop that your not cute" i said as i make a disgusted face

(a/n:Dont worry joyul,i find u cute:3)

"nothinggg,now pleasee" she said as she wants something on my phone

"finee" i just gave her my phone without thinking a lot about it

"yey!" she cheered quietly while walking away

"YENA COME ON LET'S EXPLORE MINJU'S PHONE" i suddenly heard from the other room

"WHAT!?" i screamed,clearly shocked from what i heard

i went to yuri and yena's room,i knocked on the door furiously

"YAH! YOU FUCKERS OPEN THIS DOOR,GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK" i screamed in front of the door

"ooh~ yuri-yah look at this,minju photos are great~" i heard yena unnie said

im being more furious than ever and at the same time blushing since my photos on my phone are all photos of me and chaewon

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