Chapter 3

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"Levi snapped out of his trance and mumbled "Tsk. This dumbass...""


It was the day of the small expedition.

With a chant of our fight song, the Scouts Regiment were off on their horses, riding into the abyss, one by one. The view was emasculate, and I always found myself enchanted by the bright blue sky and vast green fields. 'If only this land was not tainted by those naked oversized mole rats.' I thought to myself. Levi seemed to notice my daydreaming and hissed "Oi. Focus. I'd rather not have a dead Co-captain by the end of this trip." With this, I put my attention back onto the mission.

Erwin was up front. Behind him, was Levi riding on the right, while I rode on the left. The rest of the cadets were scattered into their formations behind the 3 of us, ready to split up into respective routes. "Levi, Yoni. You guys go with your squad, report back if you encounter anything troubling." Levi and I gave a nod at our commander, and separated from the rest of the Scouts. In our squad, were Eren, Armin, Jean, Mikasa, Sasha, Connie and Reiner.


It had been an hour since we separated from the rest, but we haven't found anything. Only a couple of 5metre Titans, but Levi and I handled them with no trouble at all. Just then, a loud 'bang' could be heard on our right. All of us snapped our heads towards the source of the sound, and noticed a streak of red fly up the sky.

Mike's squad was in trouble.

Immediately, as if with telepathy, Levi and I swerved our horses towards the red streak. Pushing forward to go faster, our squad followed suit. As we neared the scene, a village came into view. But that was not what caught everyone's attention. "Captain Yoni ! Captain Levi ! There seems to be around 15 Titans around that village !" Arming screamed out. We acknowledged his observation and charged towards the scene.

As we got closer, the piercing screams of our comrades were heard. "CAPTAIN YONI ! CAPTAIN LEVI ! PLEASE HELP ME. PLEA-", and short silence followed after. We stared in horror as we watched our comrades get eaten by those filthy beasts, one by one.

Soon after, a shout snapped us all out of our trance. I glanced over and saw Eren charging towards the said Titans, yelling "I'm gonna kill all of you !". Without thinking, I pushed my horse forward and followed Eren. 'This kid is going to die'. I rolled my eyes. "Oi Yoni !" Levi called out, clearly frustrated that the formation was broken. But soon after, the footsteps of horses could be heard, indicating that they followed suit.

I put my focus back onto the naive boy in front of me, hoping to catch up to him in time. Just then, a giant hand came into view, and without any prior notice, it grabbed onto Eren, bringing the said boy closer to its mouth. Everyone was horrified, screaming for Eren to wriggle out, to do anything and everything. The rest of the squad would not make it on time. It is up to me now.

I felt like throwing up. As if on instinct, I pushed forward and stood up onto my horse, maintaining balance. When I got close enough, I activated my ODM gear, and planted it on the titan's forehead. I could hear Levi shouting at me to not engage, but I ignored him. This is my duty.

As Eren disappeared into the Titan's mouth, I zipped towards its face, with it smiling sickeningly at me. I equipped my blades, leaned back and shot out my right leg as I made impact on the titans face. My leg cracked the Titan's tooth, allowing me entrance into its mouth. I used my blades and stabbed it into the Titan's tongue, into order to not fall in. With my right hand holding the blades, I quickly used my left hand to grab onto Eren, who was still struggling, trying not to slip into the dark abyss.

With all my might, I managed to pull him up. With another stab of my blade, the Titan opened its mouth in pain. I took the chance to quickly push Eren out of the Titan's mouth, not letting him have a chance to react. After all, better to have broken bones than to get eaten , right?

While doing so, I unfortunately threw my blades together with Eren on accident. My eyes widened after realisation set in. Those blades...were my tickets out of this Titan's mouth. As if on cue, the Titan slowly started closing its mouth, with me in it.

In my moment of panic, while lying down, I stretched out my right leg, forcing the Titan's mouth to remain open. At this moment, I could hear horrified screams and shouts coming from my comrades. The force of the Titan's mouth was getting stronger and stronger, I couldn't take it anymore. There was no way for me to quickly jump out. If I had tried, I would've been snapped in half.

As the pain in my leg and hips increased, I felt like my bones were being crushed. Excruciating pain surged through my body, and tears formed at the brim of my eyes. 'Levi... where are you???' I thought. I turned my head to the right and saw Levi riding towards me at an inhumane speed, eyes widened in fear and horror. 'I always knew you cared...' I bitterly thought. I couldn't take it anymore...

As we made eye contact, I gave him a small smile. His eyes became even wider, as if he knew what was happening. With that, I let my leg drop,

and all I saw was darkness.

void.  ------ Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now