Different and still somehow the same

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Jamil stomped down the Scarabia hallways,furious.He really,really didn't want to bother with the brat at all at first.But,as always,Kalim had to make it difficult for him.The first thing he did when he threw and locked the heir in his room is take away any possible way for Kalim to kill himself,just in case.Smothering,choking,throwing himself out of the window,hitting his head against the wall and drowning himself in a tub were all taken care of.And escaping,of course.But now,the heir wasn't eating.He hasn't been for a week.A cause for intervention and anger in Jamils eyes.So,he slammed the rooms door open,to see Kalim,back turned towards him.

Kalim sighed.He knew that the brainwashed Scarabia students didn't have much autonomy but the door slamming was really starting to get to him.Honestly,he didn't think that such aggression was necessary.It wasn't enough to get him angry,but it did get an exaggerated groan of annoyance out of him."Do you have to do..."he said expecting to see whatever now mindless dorm mate was suppose to check up on him this time,only to see Jamil standing there instead."Oh."he said,before turning back.He wasn't sure why the Viper decided to show up after a whole week of nothing.He wasn't sure why he was weirdly glad to see him there.But,he knew that ignoring Jamil was probably the best course of action right now.

"Kalim."Jamil murmured.He didn't know why  he said it so quietly.Maybe because Kalim had always been a little joy leeching parasite,an effect that was only exasperated due to Jamils recent migraines caused by his Overblot.As much as he disliked the heir however,he had to give credit where it was due.He was handling it well,especially considering the previous times he was kidnapped.The longest time Kalim was kidnapped was 6 hours,about 4 years ago.He cried a river,no,a lake of tears after he was saved.Now however,he was taking the situation with stoicism.Or stubbornness.Actually,the second seemed more likely,since Kalim could never take anything seriously."Kalim!"he repeated,louder.The heir didn't react."KALIM!"he screamed,the youngers shoulders tensing as Jamils snake hair hissed.Jamil stepped back.He didn't intend for them to do that.He thought he'd have a better grasp on his Overblot magic by now.Kalim took a shaky breath and turned towards him.

He wasn't scared,not really.Once you realize your former best friend is using you as a bargaining chip,Kalim found you develop a weird sense of confidence.And why shouldn't he?After all,it's not as if Jamil would hit or torture him,since keeping him alive and healthy was easier if his body was still intact.It was a depressing thing to take comfort in,but he couldn't afford to be picky."What do you want?","I want to know why you've been trying to kill yourself."

"Oh,so you expected me to try?"Kalim said,his eyes widening at Jamils statement."I was just being cautious.But yeah,what do you think I have the guards for?It's not like you're going anywhere with these."he said,pulling the chains holding Kalim to the bed closer to himself,yanking the heir towards him.

Jamil did it to intimidate him.He'd take no pleasure in it,he told himself. And yet...seeing Kalim look at him with those scarlet eyes that always made him feel lightheaded felt...good.Really good.Dangerously so,like he was a moth to a flame who was getting badly burnt.

Kalim knew he shouldn't have felt his feelings flicker up at their faces being so close.It was wrong.Him and Jamil were enemies now and as much as that hurt,he accepted it.Or so he thought.When he had,Jamils breath wasn't against his skin and those silver eyes weren't staring into Kalims soul,seeing it for the traitorous,pitiful thing it was.

Kalim pulled away from Jamil,stumbling backwards in his attempt to do so.The boy fell onto the bed with a grunt,as he scowled at his former friend.Jamils expression soured at this.It wasn't a surprise,he betrayed him after all,but his chest still lurched at the look."So,why?"Jamil asked."I just didn't feel like eating."Kalim said,with a shrug."You wouldn't leave the food to rot if you just didn't feel like it."Jamil argued,pointing to the full plates on the table."You would've at least touched it!"he yelled.

Kalim tensed at Jamils volume and sighed."Ok,fine.I was trying to starve myself.","Alright,but why!?"Jamil gritted out.Kalim sneered and laughed,the laughter soon going hysterical."Really?You can't possibly fathom why I'd try to end it after my best friend,the only person who I thought would never betray me,tried to kill me?You have to be kidding me!"he yelled,his face going from laughing to angry as he did so.

Jamil crossed his arms,his lips tightening.He almost believed that.But,Kalim seemed to have forgotten how well Jamil knew him.Kalim Al Asim was at his core,a heroic,idealistic,idiot.He wouldn't off himself out of his own heartbreak.It would put him out of his misery,but it'd fuck everyone else over and the heir wouldn't stand for that.There was a goal here and all he had to do now is figure out what that was.Almost immediately,it clicked.

The moment Kalim saw that look of realization in Jamils eyes,he knew Jamil had discovered his advantage.The Viper smirked,tilting his head as he looked at the heir."Oh.I see.So you think that I'll allow my bargaining chip to off itself,ruining all of my plans?Honestly,Kalim,I'm insulted you think so low of me."Jamil said,his voice low.He walked over to Kalim,looming over the Asim heir."So,here's how this is going to go."he said grabbing and lifting Kalims jaw upwards,forcing the other to look at him.The Vipers fingers were unusually cold and Kalim felt a shudder go through his spine.

."You can eat,obey and continue living in relative peace,or..."he said,his grip on Kalims jaw tightening"You can keep defying and make me shove it down your throat myself.Do I make myself clear?"he hissed.Kalim was silent.Jamil was threatening him.His best friend,the only man he has ever loved,was threatening him.The feeling was numb,empty and cold."Do I !?"he yelled,tightening his grip on Kalims jaw so much he thought he might break it."Crystal."Kalim muttered."Good."Jamil said,letting go of his face,walking out and slamming the door behind him.Kalim curled in on himself,exhausted and heartbroken.

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