Chapter 1

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My entire life, I had been preparing for this day. I always knew that I was never going to be able to choose whom to marry because I am a woman and a princess. I don't have the right to choose. Hell, I don't have any rights at all. My opinions and feelings don't matter to anyone, not even my own family.

In fact, my father sees me as a tool to gain more power, to create an alliance with the Kingdom of Decresh - a very powerful Kingdom - by marrying me off to one of their princes.

"For a prince and princess, the kingdom comes first," Father said. "Your dėsɨrė for something comes after."

Yeah right, it could for a prince, but not for Princess. If a prince married for alliance and didn't like his wife he could just marry another. Usually, most of them had several wives and mistresses, but for a princess the story was different. There's nothing she can do. She just had to please her husband and watch as he marries other women when he gets bored with her. I felt my blood boil, but now was not the time to get angry.

Leaving all the bad thoughts behind me, I studied myself in the mirror. My maids had spent hours preparing me, making me look more beautiful than I was. I was wearing a white and golden dress, my brown hair was combed back beautifully with golden hairpins in the shapes of flowers and leaves. The makeup was perfect, the only problem was the jewelry. They were beautiful but heavy, now that I was wearing a lot of them. I was already feeling weak because of nervousness, or was it fear? I didn't know, but I was feeling sick. There was a knot in my stomach that refused to go away no matter how hard I tried to calm down.

"My lady, don't you like the dress?" Lydia asked.

Lydia and Ylva, my handmaids, have been taking care of me since I was a little girl. They were the only ones I could talk to. I would miss them once I left.

"No, I love it. It's beautiful." I tried to smile but failed.

Lydia could see the fear on my face.

"Everything is going to be alright," She told me. "Don't listen to the rumors, they are nothing but just that. Maybe your husband is a nice man" She tried to sound positive but I could hear the doubt in her voice.

Not that I believed the rumors, but they did affect me. I wasn't scared because people said that he was the devil's son, they couldn't be speaking literally. They were probably referring to his personality, that he maybe was a liar, a tempter, a murderer, manipulative or that he was just pure evil and that's what scared me.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and shortly after a court lady came in.

"My lady, it's time." She informed.

I descended the stairs, careful not to fall or stumble, but it was hard with the long dress and the heavy jewelry. I was relieved when there were only a few steps left, but just then I stepped on my dress and stumbled forward, almost falling before a strong arm came around my waist and saved me ruining myself on my wedding day.

Straightening myself I looked up to see who it was. Who had dared to touch a princess like that? Not that I minded, I was just curious.

Lmmcare pn, qw uwul quo f nfaz md emitur uwul. Nm, jfao! Nmo emitur, ovuw vft ovu hmimz md difqul mz ovu ifsf dzmq f smihfrm. I vft rusuz luur uwul iacu ovfo gudmzu.

"Are you alright My Lady?" Asked the man in front of me with a frown.

If I had knots in my stomach before, now suddenly I had buŧŧerflies as I gazed into his eyes.

Who was this man? I had never seen him before. He was tall, broad-shouldered and his thick raven black hair fell over his shoulders down to his waist. You could tell from the clothes that he was royalty. Could he be one of the royalties who came to attend my wedding?

Married To Devil's Son Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now