Part 4: Prime Corruption(Part Two)

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10:23 P. M.
Inside the Lookout Tower

(Ryder's POV)
Meanwhile, the rest of us had been staring at the lifeless bodies of Young Link, Rip, Viridi and Musa. How? And why? And who's next?

The doors of the elevator suddenly opened, revealing the rest of the fighters… as well as... Rocky.

"Rocky," I happily exclaimed, "what happened to you?" "That's not important right now… this," Rocky replied. He then guided me to an unconscious Izira lying on the floor. My heart sank and I sank with it, kneeling down to her level and breathing heavily.

Am I losing my mind, I thought.

"This is all your fault," I heard Chase say. I turned around and found the other pups angrily scolding Rocky. "How is it MY fault," Rocky asked. "If you hadn't left, we wouldn't have to look for you and they would still be alive," Skye barked. " there anything wrong with not wanting to scare you guys," Rocky retaliated.

"Pups...," I whispered.

"It's dishonest and hurtful, for one," Marshall barked. "For another, you could have gotten yourself hurt," Rubble added. "Hurt?! More like killed," Zuma hissed.

"Pups," I quietly scolded.

"What about you, Chase," Rocky growled, teary eyed, "you said that I looked cool!" "After what I heard, I think I might regret saying what I said eariler," Chase angrily sighed, "you're a disgrace to the team." (Hypocrites!)

"PUPS," I finally shouted. I was looking at them furiously.

"Ryder sir," Chase asked. "Listen to yourselves," I shouted, "I thought I expected better from you guys! Is this how you want Adventure Bay to see us?! The freaking Paw Patrol?!"

"The strangers are coming! They're gonna mind control Chase and force him to attack us," Shulk and Izira suddenly gasped in unison. "Are you okay, Izira," Chrom asked. "I weak," Izira wheezed, "...but I'll manage..."

It was just then when the 2 strangers they mentioned appeared. Relying on instinct, Rocky pushed Chase out of the way just as one of them was just about to put some sort of spell on him.

"Rocky," Chase exclaimed. As the spell was cast, we all witnessed Rocky's fur go from his classic gray to more of a midnight black and his eyes glowing a bright green.

He has become one of them...

"Attack, you beast," the other stranger commanded. "O-okay, Dark Samus may be corruption, but this is insane," Samus gasped. "This is not the time for jokes," Marshall ironically scolded, "everybody disperse!" Under the dalmatian's command, we all dispersed to different parts of the area.

Meanwhile, Young Link, Rip, Viridi and Musa had just woken up and feeling as weak as Izira. "Ugh, what happened," Rip groaned. "Long story short; we're being confronted by 2 evil dudes," Dark Pit replied. "And now Rocky's one of them," Pit added. "I feel too weak to fight," Musa wheezed, "I don't think I can...oh?" Young Link had been playng the Song of Healing on his ocarina, therefore healing himself and the others to maximum strength. "Thanks, Link," Viridi thanked, "you have no idea how ANGRY I am at these two for almost killing us!"

(For the sake of keeping this somewhat child friendly, I'm skipping the fight and keeping this in Ryder's pov. Sorry\(〇_o)/)

It was one heck of a gruesome battle. Everyone got beaten up badly. Even me, ironically. The bad guys were still standing.

Rocky... I know you're in there somewhere, I thought, please, come back... And that's when this happened...

Rip started singing, and then...

"Guys, please," Rocky suddenly groaned, "get me outta this mess...rrghh!" We all saw that he was still the same Rocky underneath. We all saw it in his eyes...they went back to normal before turning green again.

"I feel so weak," Rip wheezed, "I… can't go on… singing." "Wait! That gives me an idea," Musa gasped, "Bloom, what if we used Rip's song as part of our convergence magic." "Ha! Even if you pretty fairies could, you'd never succeed," one of the strangers scoffed. "But, you're forgetting…," Chase growled, "we're doing this together!" Everybody knew what to do...

Toon Link took out the Wind Waker...

Sheik summoned her harp...

Young Link readied his ocarina...

Together, the three played a short tune that had us flying. And then we sang

♪  Flower, gleam and glow,
   Let your power shine...
   Make the clock reverse, bring back
   what once was mine...♪

"Let's get outta here!," the 2 strangers said in unison before vanishing in thin air and leaving Rocky behind. That was cue for the next song; Musa's song...

♪ I close my eyes and you'll...
   Return to me, return to me,
   On waves of ocean melody.
   No magic can make you reappear,
   but in the song of the whales
   you are always here! ♪

[Cue flash of light]

We found ourselves lying down as soon as the light died down. I was the first to wake up and I've noticed Rocky back to his normal self. "Ugh… what happened to me," he groaned. "You pretty much turned evil… after you sacrificed yourself to save me," Chase replied, "Rocky, I am so sorry for making you feel like such an idiot. We all are." "No! I'm sorry for running away," Rocky retaliated, "and I'm sorry for getting you guys almost killed. Twice. I have no choice but to quit the team."

"WHAT?! You can't," the pups exclaimed.

"Rocky, are you sure you want to leave," I asked. "I have to. It's the only way I can protect you," Rocky sadly replied, "goodbye everyone. I'm going to miss you."

As we all watched him leave, Skye started crying. Chase had been cursing himself under his breath for casting his friend aside.

Why did this happen… how could this happen?

To Be Continued...

Also, just to confirm, Sora from Kingdom Hearts was put in this story from the beginning. He doesn't appear until much, much later in the story. I'm so happy he finally made it to Smash!

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