An Outlander on the Wind

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She felt it when her puppet was taken from her. It was a tugging sensation that she could feel even within her plane. It wasn't forceful however, far from it.

It was a gentle sensation, like a child tugging at her kimono. The archon opened her eyes, and with a flick of her wrist, took over the sight of her other self.

The sight that greeted her was hardly what she expected.

A grassy field, full of various objects all neatly designed in a visually appealing manner. She could see a patch of land was put aside for plants to grow.

The color of a vibrant purple and subtle tingle in the air nearby tipped her off as to what was growing in the soil.

This plane was...

Her thoughts were interrupted when the strumming of a lyre reached her ears. Turning towards the source, the archon's eyes widened a fraction at the bard sitting on a stone slab, strumming notes to himself.

"Barbatos." The wind archon looked up, smiling at her.

"Ah! Hello Baal, fancy seeing you here of all places!"

"...Where are we? Did you bring me here?" The little god only laughed, shaking his head as a breeze flowed past them.

"Nah, even if I wanted to, I'd have no reason to bring you away from your place of isolation."

"It is not isolation, it is a plane for where I-"

"Yeah yeah, eternity. Listen, just follow me and it'll explain everything."

Baal frowned. The older god was pushing his limits in regards to kiting her around like this, but for whatever reason she couldn't find it in herself to leave, so she followed him. As they walked, she saw more interesting sights.

"Liyue furnishings, and even Mondstadt buildings, just what is this place?" She asked.

"You'll see." The god responded cryptically. Eventually, she was led to a small table, where a bottle of wine sat alongside cups. The god wasted no time in sitting down, grabbing the bottle by the neck and popping the cork.

"Is that why we're here, to drink?" Before he could respond, a gloved hand snatched the bottle of wine away.

"Osmanthus wine isn't for rapid consumption, my friend. And where are your manners, hmm?"

"Aw come on Morax! Just a sip?"

"If by sip you mean mouthful, then no."

The Raiden Shogun was at a loss for words. First Barbatos, and now Morax? Next the other archons would show up and tell her everything here was for a meeting or something...

"Morax, what is the meaning of all this?" The geo archon turned his gaze to her, gesturing to the seat.

"Straight to the point as ever, Baal." As she sat, Morax poured them all a cup of the fragrant wine, taking a slow drink from his own. "While I am unsure myself as to why we are all here in this serenitea pot-"

"A what?"

"A realm within not unlike yours. I have my guesses as to what the reason is."

"And that is?" She said as she took her own cup and drank from it. Mmmn, sweet as she remembers...

"A few days ago we both said our farewells to a certain...Traveler. He should be in your nation by now, looking for a way to seek an audience with you. Perhaps you've caught wind of him?"

"Perhaps...I do not know everything that occurs in Inazuma, only that which my other self is told by the Tenryou commission. There have been reports of new people arriving on the Crux fleet, though nothing jumped out at me at all."

Barbatos nodded. "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll do something that'll catch your attention soon enough." The electro archon's eyes narrowed.
"And what makes you say that?"

"Call it a hunch."

"Very well. But while you've told me about an outlander in my lands, you haven't said anything about why we are here."

"Didn't we? I sure don't use teapots for homes, and Morax lives in a funeral parlor last we talked."

Morax cleared his throat. "This teapot is the home of the traveler we mentioned, Baal. One way or another, he somehow manages to invite people here."

"I see..."

"Though it is odd..."

"What is odd?"

"Most of the time, it's not until he actually meets with someone that they are invited. Have you spoken with them at all in person?" She shook her head.

"Looks like there's more to this than it seems, eh you two?" Barbatos said airily. Judging by the glazed look in his eyes, it seems they forgot to keep an eye on the bard.

"Is this traveler you speak of someone of worth to you?" Her question prompted a smile from the other two archons.

"It's best if you experience it for yourself. I make no guarantees about what you think of him."

Afterwards, she bid them goodbye as she willed herself back into her plane of Euthymia, contemplating all that she experienced. An outlander with a connection to the archons, and on a personal level...

"Wooow, look at all those visions!" Your flying friend exclaimed. Forming a circle around the statue, the glint of visions peppered the stony surface. All those visions...

"All of them belonged to someone once." You turn your gaze towards your tour guide. Thoma crossed his arms. "We're approaching the hundredth one fast. Gotta hand it to the Shogun, displaying it so blatantly for everyone to see, really puts a damper on your mood." You nodded.

So many of them, just right there out of reach.

"So, what's our plan then traveler?" Thoma asked, one hand on his hip and a closed smile on his face.


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