The Elevator Incident (Dramione One-Shot)

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Hermione stepped into the elevator of the fantastic, five star resort that she was staying in. As it made its way down, it stopped. In walked Draco Malfoy, whom Hermione hadn’t seen in years. Suddenly, the elevator came to a stop, stuck in between floors. “That’s just great,” she said, leaning against the wall. “Greattt”, Draco mumbled, turning to face Hermione. “Can’t  you  get us out of here? I've got to be somewhere He then realized who was next to him and exclaimed “Granger!?”  Hermione scoffed and turned to Draco  "No I can't! And why the surprise?" “um, cause I haven't seen you since...well in a long time. How is everyone? Weasle? Potter?”  She sat on the floor and looked up at Draco "It's Weasley, and what do you care? all you did was be an ignorant git during our time at hogwarts"  Hermione thought about Ron and sobbed into her shirt. “ I'm sorry about school, I never wanted to be that way, it was just vold- Hermione? are you alright?” Draco was not sure what to do. "It's umm it's nothing alright" Hermione stood up and walked to the other side of the room. "It doesn't look like nothing. Come on, Hermione give me a chance. I have always liked you, I am sure you can like me"  "You called me a mudblood and you're saying that you always LIKED ME?!?!?!??!" exclaimed Hermione pushing Draco hand away "You've got to be kidding me"  "I totally deserve that" Draco said with a sad sigh. "But I was afraid, before I even got to Hogwarts my father told me to stay away from others and when Voldemort came back it was either obey or die. I would like to say I didn't have a choice, but the truth is I just wanted to live"  "Well anyway it's too late to tell me that now, your married and I'm.... it's just too late alright!" Hermione struggled through that sentence, she always liked him, seeing him again made her heart flutter.  "Married...? Oh, no! I'm not married. I mean I was pretty close to it about a year ago, but she ditched me." Draco looked down at his hands and then at Hermione. "Are you married? I always assumed you and Weasley would tie the knot"  "I-I-I uhhh" stuttered Hermione hesitantly "I was" she finally whispered.  "Oh. OH! I'm so sorry. What happened? I mean are you still talking? and how about Harry?"  "Harry, I-I guess he's ok ever since Ron and I uhhh he sided with Ron" Hermione said sadly.  "They left you? how could they? You are wonderful!" Draco was outraged. he had liked all of them in school and never imagined this happening. "I don't mean to pry, but since we are stuck here, I am here for you if you need a...a friend? or just a person to talk to" Hermione looked at Draco and took a step closer to him. "You said you always liked me right?" "yea. I had taken to telling myself that when I called you a mean name I was really saying something nice. Mudblood meant beautiful" Draco turned a shade of red.  Draco kept talking about how sorry he was and what he meant, all it took to shut him up was one thing. One thing; Hermione kissed him Draco froze. He has not been expecting it, but almost immediately he kissed her back. He had wanted to do this since third year. He [ut his arms around her and pulled her closer.  Hermione knew this was coming but she still was shocked. After a second of shock she closed her eyes putting her arms around him.  Draco pulled back slightly and laughed, putting his head on top of hers and speaking into her hair. "Damn Hermione. I missed you. Even though we were never actual friends, I knew you" Hermione blushed "I've been wanting to do that since 3rd grade.  Draco made a surprised noise. "I was just thinking the same thing. And when you hit me that year I thought that was the closest I would get"  Suddenly the lift began to move again ruining the moment. Hermione and Draco walked out hand in hand ignoring the puzzled looks from passing muggles. They signed out and caught a cab into the sunset. What a surprise Rose, Hugo and Scorpious would have when they found out.

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