Chapter One~

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The heroes.... The one with the greatest Quirks get to be the best but what about the forgotten characters? What happens to them? I'll tell you.... Ever since I've been a kid my oldest brother Hamiko has been the favorite he has a similar quirk to my parents the light type quirk while I'm a shadow type... I got into class 1.2 recently.... Like today's my first day.... In the shadow class.... I hope my quirk isn't gonna get out of control.... You should know... Ever since I've been little I'm training my Quirks to be more powerful... My quirk isn't that known... It's a mixture between illusions and manipulation... No I can't manipulate you're brain or thoughts but I can manipulate you're feelings.... My illusions are depending on the fear of my enemy mostly and only for them visible... Everyone else would think they fight against nothing while my own body strength can take them down. I'm mostly training my body that's why I'm very trained since my Quirks aren't quite made for attacking even though my illusions can make damage but only emotional damage.... What I'm doing rn? Walking to school duh. What school I'm in? I'm in Massachusetts academy... The school students get in if they are too smart for UA.... My brother is currently walking next to me ranting about how he is in 3.1.....he doesn't know how long I can stare at him and wish that it was me.... His Quirk is explosion thunder.... He can set free electricity that shocks his enemies and then explode it so they can't attack him.... "oh common T.J smile a bit its you're first day and you are still not even cracking a little smile... You're gonna have a dorm and nice new friends" my brother smiled mischievous at me "yeah yeah bolt not everyone is hyperactive at 3 in the morning only to be able to walk with you're brother for 3 hours!!" I said a little annoyed as we reach a corner a guy with silver hair waves towards us with a boy at his side about my age and the silver haired is probably one of my brother's friends...." hey Bolt who's that chic you're with? " "oh you mean miss grumpy? That's Tara Jane or T.J for short my little sister and that must be Mahiro right Higashikuni?" the silver head named Higashikuni smiled widely "yeah that's my little brother. You're sis is cute if she would be older I wouldn't mind dating her Bolt" I looked at both of them unbelieving of what I just heard and that Mahiro guy probably realized that. "so Tara.... What class you going into?" he asked. "1.2 what about you Mahiro?" his eyes lit up "me too!" He exclaimed calmly Higashikuni-san and my brother laugh. "looks like she already has him under her little spell. Don't accidentally use you're Quirk on him T.J!" my brother said making me hold back tears at the mention of why I never had real friends. "yeah.... I won't Bolt... Don't worry.... Let's just get to school" I say emotionless. My brother realizing the damage he just made trying to apologize as I pic up my pace almost running away from him making Mahiro run after me. "w-why are you following me?! You some creep or what?!" I exclaim as he grabs a hold of my arm pulling me away from the street "sorry I'm just curious about what you're brother meant by that". "oh..... Uhm let's say my Quirk is the shadow type.... But not just the shadow type... It's a rare one.... There isn't another person with my Quirk but mine isn't really a big deal..... To be honest it's making me feel embarrassed...." I exclaimed wiping a little tear away as we continue walking. " uhm you didn't answer my question T.J I am not going to judge you for you're Quirk you know ". He said looking into my eyes. " I can manipulate emotions........ It's kind of a shame for society but teachers are fascinated by the fact that I can control every emotion of the person I want... It's limit at people at the same time is 30...." I say looking to the ground "30?!holy shit how's that possible?! You're a goddess! I'm so glad I get to see you train!" he said his eyes sparkling as we reach the school.

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