The Dare

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It was 11 O'clock on a Friday night, and I was bored out of my mind so, I decided to video call my favorite cousins. After a couple of rings of that annoying snapchat video chime they picked up. Luna answered first with a groggy and tired look on her face, Raven then picked up after her with an annoyed look on her face. With both the girls on the other end were wondering why the hell I was calling so late. 

"Why in the world are you calling so late?! I was just about to fall asleep!" Raven barks as she slowly rises up out of bed, only to see her black silhouette.

"Yeah, dude, like seriously? Do you even know what time it is? I'll tell you. It is 11 o'clock at night!" Luna says with her eyes wide and eyebrows cocked up.

"Well, to answer your guyses questions, yes I know it is 11 o'clock at night, I am aware. And I am calling you so late because I am bored out of my mind and am not tired!" I said with a genuine laughing smile on my face knowing that my cousins are somewhat quite annoyed with me.

"Well I am tired, and don't care if you're bored so good luck with that! Good NIGHT!" Raven said as flopped back into bed, silhouette fading as she falls.

 Luna and I look at each other and chuckle with how Raven reacted.

"Well that was a little over dramatic don't ya think?"

"Eh, just a lil bit, but then again this is Raven we are talking about and she is always like that!" Luna said with a roll in her eye.

"I can still hear you!" Raven shouts from her bed.

"Well, why don't you come up from the dead and say that to my face! Besides, I have a new game I've been thinking about trying and I would like to use you guys as my guinea pigs!" I said with a hopeful grin and a begging look in my eyes, "Pweease?" I said pouting my lip and giving my best puppy dog eyes impression.

"Well, I don't know about Raven but now I am quite intrigued with your 'new game' as you say---Luna says with a cocked eyebrow--- because you don't just come up with new games like that. At all. Ever."

Raven has finally decided to join the party after realizing that this conversation is not going to end anytime soon and that she is not gonna get any decent sleep unless she joins on this pathetic excuse of a late night call.

"Alright, alright, what is this new stupid game that you have 'supposedly' come up with?" she says.

"Weell, since you are soo interested to know, - I said with a smirk on my face knowing I have them somewhat hooked- the game is Quite simple, all it is, is the classic old game that everyone knows Truth or Dare, with my own unique little spin of Uno!"

Raven and Luna look at each other through their screens with the most confused looks on their faces. "It's huh?" said Luna with her mouth open and her eyes cocked up in a 'what?' kinda way.

Raven just laughs out loud with how utterly ridiculous the description was. " Seriously? What the heck kinda game is that? -she laughs- and what do you call this supposed game?"

I chuckled along with Raven only to hide the slight pain of shame of how she laughed at my description of the game. I look over to Luna who is still staring at me trying to figure out just what exactly it is that I just said. " Well, since you asked Raven I decided to name this new game of mine Reverse Truth or Dare." I said with a certain confidence that I was instantly able to get my cousin's attention back. Raven and Luna were instantly brought back to my attention, snapping them out of their confused trance and laughing fit. "Ah, glad to see I finally have your attention again." 

Raven scoffs, "Yeah, yeah, so what exactly do you mean by Reverse Truth or Dare?" She said.

"Yeah, is the Reverse part the Uno Part? Of your little game?" Luna said, trying to piece together your description earlier with what you just said.

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