The Dance (Harmony One-Shot) -EDITED-

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As Harry stepped out of the tent to get some fresh air, he saw Hermione sitting cross legged indulged in a book.

“What are you reading?” Harry asked. When she didn’t answer he took a couple steps closer to see she was crying.

"It's about," She paused, a sob escaping. "Oh Harry, I can't believe he left!" She sobbed as more tears streamed down her face. Harry kneeled down infront of her, wiping aaway some of her tears with his thumb.

"Hey, hey. It's okay" He smiled, kneeling down infront of her for a hug. "It's ok Hermione, it was just the necklace, He wouldn't have said any of that otherwise" He assured her, his shirt getting soaked by her tears

"I just.. I want to help ...I would never leave you!" Hermione managed to choke out in between sobs.

"It's okay, I know, It's what I would do if I was in your position" He stopped hugging her and looked into her chocolate brown eyes. "It'll be ok, he'll come back. It'll be ok"

Suddenly her mood changed. "No Harry, It won't be ok, we need him alright, we need him" She shouted, jumping up

"Hermione take it off. Take off the necklace. You've had it too long"

"No-" She started, getting vut off 

"Take. It. Off" Harry struggled with her for a moment, but he managed to yank it from her neck.

"Oh Harry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I just have so many confused emotions right now, Ron left, we need to find these Horcruxes and you are-" she cut herself off, and her cheeks turned a light pinkish colour.

"It's not your fault Hermione, we WILL find these horcruxes I promise and Ron wi-" He stopped for a moment. "Wait, I am what?"

She looked into his mother's bright green eyes. "You are amazing. Brave, charming, smart, the Chosen One for a reason."

Harry turned smug for a second "Hey, tell me something I don't know" Then he saw her and she seemed well, pretty.. no, beautiful. "Is there another reason you stayed? You don't really think I believed the Horcrux story do you?"

“Actually,” she started “Uh no, that’s all” Harry sighed “Come on” he said grabbing Hermione’s hand and pulling her toward the tent. “What are you doing, Harry?” Hermione asked as he sat her down on a mattress. “You’ll see” Harry grinned as he turned around, walking into his part of the tent.  He came out holding a radio and an old CD.

“Oh Harry, you know I can’t dan-“ but he cut her off when he put her favourite song on.  “Harry.” She sighed.

Harry took a couple of steps toward her and held out his hands. “Come on” he coaxed. Hermione laughed and took his hands. He led her towards the centre of the tent. Then they danced, twirling and laughing, the song ended and they were looking into each other’s eyes and then out of now where, Harry kissed her. After what seemed like an eternity to them both, he broke off. “Harry” Hermione whispered, “Is this really what we want? I mean with Ro-“

Harry cut her off “ Yes, It is I know it is”

“But how?”

“Because you kissed me back” He smiled, capturing his lips in her again.

Could you possibly tell me what you think?? If you like it could you pretty please check out my others?? Thankyouu xx -R

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