Ch. 3 - Hoodie

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When you arrived home you quickly changed out of your wet clothes and turned on your nearby space heater. Sure, spring was coming in rapidly, but being wet in fifty degree weather was painful. 
You made yourself some tea and settled into your desk chair, dimmed your lights, and powered on your computer. 
As it booted up you stared over at Choso's hoodie which was hung up on a peg on the back of your bedroom door. You flattened your lips in thought before standing up once more and grabbing it. 

While still standing at the door, you felt the hoodie. Since arriving home it was nearly dry. You contemplated again for another moment before bringing it to your nose. You took in a deep breath; the woodsy, smoky scent filling your nostrils. You closed your eyes to envision him: slouching with his hands in his pockets, the unamused look on his face, and the way he got on your nerves. 

"YYY/NNN!!!" Your mother burst into your room, catching you in the act. "What do you think of-?" You dropped the hoodie on the floor immediately in response to her sudden presence. She was holding a pastel pink bow in her hands.

"Ever think of knocking?!" You protested, face becoming as red as a lobster.

"Sorry, sweetie," she chuckled and looked at the garment on the floor. She gasped. "Is that from a boy?!" Her voice escalated with excitement.

"No!" You quickly shouted. "Well...yes...but it's not like that!" You corrected. She pouted and sighed.

"Anyway, I was thinking of tying these on the back of the chairs during the reception. What do you think?" She held up the satin ribbon.

"Yeah...yeah, real nice," you nodded, running a hand through your hair as you composed yourself. 

"Open up!" She declared, beginning to exit your room. "You'll need a date for the wedding after all. Running out of time!" You could tell how giddy she was about getting married again. It made your heart feel full seeing her so happy. You could care less about Noritoshi, but at least she was happy. 

"Running out of time, my ass," you grumbled, picking up the hoodie and shutting the door behind her. 

You sat on the edge of your bed with the hoodie in one hand and your phone in the other. You pressed the fabric to your nose once more, casually breathing in its scent.
You opened your messages and looked at the short conversations you had with Choso. It was all just planning to meet for the project or what notes there were in class, nothing more. 
You hit the back button to view all of your messages and clicked on another from one of your other friends. 

You busy on july 15?

You texted them, figuring you'd rather get the date thing out of the way.
You stood up as you waited for a response and slipped the hoodie over your head. You felt shameless in the privacy of your own room. Sure, you disliked Choso but that didn't mean he didn't smell good. 

Thats a while away lol

Mahito texted you back after a few minutes. You were perched on your desk chair, the glowing lights illuminating your face from the LED screen more than the dim lights in the room. 

Mom's getting married
Need a date and she wont leave me alone about it

Oh I see ;)

No. No hito. Not in that way. 

You rolled your eyes at Mahito's response. He had always been a flirt with you so you knew that out of all of your friends he'd be the one to quickly accept.

Yeah yeah sure

So youll do it then?

Yeah but we should probably meet up first to make sure we can get the story straight if we're trying to convince everyone we're together

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