heartbreak was never so loud

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30 minutes ago they were talking

20 minutes ago he left him on read

It felt like a dream come true. Chongyun felt like the luckiest person on earth. To be able to meet the person you wished to spend the rest of your life with at such a young age was truly astounding to him, it felt surreal. He let a sigh escape his mouth, talking to Xingqiu made his day, even if it wasn't his voice, it didn't matter. Long-distance wasn't easy, far from that actually, but due to their strong feelings for each other, it was easier than expected.

He stared at his calendar. Today was the day they'd be meeting. October 9th, Xingqiu's birthday. Chongyun had planned a few small gifts for the occasion, along with the fact they'd be meeting. It was only a few small trinkets, a bracelet lined with cor lapis along with a custom bookmark he had commissioned, he felt like a middle school girl obsessing over her crush, he was giddy, unable to calm himself down. He smiled to himself before feeling his phone vibrate.

Hey Ah-Yun !! I'm in the car rn, heading the airport, I'm so excited

haha i'm excited too :)

you aren't reading? did you forget your books?

I like talking to you better :D

i'm flattered

you haven't changed

You don't mean that in a bad way right :((

good way lol


did something happen?

Just a speedbump

didn't see it coming

ohh one of the most well-known heirs of the feiyun commerce guild is scared of speedbumps?

what a scardycat

He waited a few seconds, few minutes for a response. He had been left on read, he was just teasing, the latter should've known.



i was joking

i'll protect you from all the speedbumps okay

why are you leaving me on read?

are you okay?

He exited out of the texting app, wanting to shake the worry off his head. He grabbed the remote to his left, hastily turning on the TV. The automatic channel for when he turned on the TV was the news, channel 1. He felt the regret sink into his head as he read the headline.


He wanted to listen to the reporters, he wanted to know about the situation. But he couldn't bring himself to do it. The ringing in his ears only got louder. He felt his heart sink, he wanted to cry, but he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to. No emotions spoke louder to him than regret.

20 minutes ago he left him on read

20 minutes later he was gone

heartbreak was never so loud - xingyunWhere stories live. Discover now