Part One

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Aurora's pov:

I spend all my time reading.
Not those fun love novels girls my age read.
I read business. Marketing in particular, I read numbers and static. Trends and techniques.

My point, it's not fun books.
But it's what I live for. What I paid thousands for,  how I make my father proud.

I have big, big shoes to fill, but I will.


I look at the clock after my 5th yawn in a row.

11 o'clock

I sighed and close the buisness technique book I was currently reading. I've been at the office since 8am, needed to return again tomorrow at 7 am for an important meeting.

I should really head home, i think to myself,  I still have another half hour ahead of me.

I clear my desk, putting my belongings back in the desired spaces  I've created for them.

I'm a very organized person. It's one thing my father values in me.

I close my office door as I leave, making sure the lights are off and to lock the door before walking away.
The hallways all the tall building quiet and dim. Nothing but the safety security lights and clicking of my heels on the floor.
I approach the elevator, hitting the 'up' rather than 'down' to go say goodbye to my father.

He's a hard working man, well deserved of the credit he has. Since he was young he worked incredibly hard for the name he's created for himself.

Stepping in the elevator, I hit the 25th floor, that one being my fathers office.

I remember stepping into this building for the first time as a young girl. The beautiful marble floors, with striking gold and white walls, old fashioned detailing throughout them. Painting hanging from the walls every now and again. 
It was truly memorizing to me. To watch the business grow so much in the last 15 years.

I step out of the elevator, this hallway being brighter than the rest, as my father is still hard at work, but again, quiet.. nothing but the clicking of my heels against the cold marble floors.

As I approach my fathers office, the gold plack on the door becomes more wisablento me.

Christoph Vandenberg

Small sound comes from behind the doors I stand infront of. It sounds like a conversation on the phone.

I give a small knock on the door, careful to not intrude on any conversation being had, and poked my head in through the door.

"We can all pay games Vandenberg, it just falls on who can play the longest game. Who plays the better game. The longer you hold out, the longer they play the better game." The dark husky voice says through the phone. The voice is unfamiliar, but sends shivers down my spine. The voice is hoarse, as if whoever it may be is about to bounce on its pray.

I slowly allow my body to follow quietly in through the door, I watch as my father runs his hands through his hair, puffing his cheeks with a big breath- as if he's stressed.
It's something I'm not used to seeing, one thing that always amazed me was how carefree he acted.

'Wether you admit it or not, there is potential behind her. She could be the helping hand we all know is needed."
The voice through the phone spoke again. My father still keeping all his attention on the conversation being held he still hasn't noticed my presence.

I listen closer to the voice as it spoke that time. Still hoarse and husky, emphasizing on the word 'she'. This time, it sounded a little more familiar.. however I still can't pinpoint who it may be.

Who ever it may be, the conversation has now fully caught my interest.

'There's a firecracker in her, I know you know that.. Listen man' my father chucked at the nickname, that was never his thing. He was to business man for that. 'I understand you wanted to keep her out of this as long as possibly, she's not a kid anymore. I believe she can handle this side too. We need Au-'

As what sounded like my name started to pour out of the unknown voice my fathers head snapped up in my direction, finally noticing my presence.

"This conversation is over for now, we'll pick up where we left off later." My fathers voice spoke, a serious ton lacing through.

I began to apologize for intruding on the conversation- to the both of them before my father abruptly hung up the phone.

"Aurora, what are you doing here so late, I thought I was the only one here." He said, a stern look on his face, an unimpressed look.

"I'm so sorry, I got caught up in
reading and lost track of time. I was coming up to say goodbye.. who was that anyway?" I say as I approach him by his desk to give him a hug.

His big desk filled the centre of the massive room. On either side a staircase to bring you into the meeting room- a meeting room I've yet to be in. Something about for the VIP members of the company. I'll have to learn more on that.

"Nothing to worry about princess, you go home and drive safe. Get some rest, you have an important day tomorrow." He said as he hugs me making me on the forehead.

"Are you sure, I swore I heard my nam-" I was cut off by my fathers stern voice.

"I said it was nothing, princess. Goodnight" he softly says. I give a small smile, slightly annoyed with the lack of truth from him.

"Goodnight dad" I say, giving him a small hug before walking off toward the elevator, hearing nothing but large doors close behind me.

Yet again, the clicking of my heels against an the marble floor being the only thing filling the silence..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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