どうしましたか?" Part 4

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"Can I stay, Just a bit long?"

I pushed him off my arm and kept walking. I wasn't gonna let this slight inconvenience ruin my day (like I normally do.) Making my way to the restaurant we quickly noticed that no one was there except a man in the kitchen and another at the desk coughing his lungs out. (L/n) Leaned over to me whispering. "...Is this really worth getting food poisoning over? Gordon Ramsay would be very disappointed ya know?" He had a point, the walls were dirty and the smell of trash flooded the sitting room. Nevertheless good food hides in mysterious places...right? I have no idea really... I didn't even believe myself. Finding a table I sat down and ordered while (L/n) was being petty and stood. Not that I care too much for it, I don't have to stare at his face so in my book this is practically a birthday gift. Why was he here to begin with if he was simply standing around like a bodyguard.

"You can leave you know...?" "...I said I was staying for a reason. I rather not just be wondering lost out here- besides im avoiding someone." Avoiding someone. If thats the case im the last person you wanna go to, I attract idiots wherever I go. Example, the reason hes even here right now. Though, I couldnt get over the walk here. It was weird. I feel sick from it. Not a cold of fever, more like a dying feeling in my chest, as if I wasnt myself for a moment there. Like I was being stabbed in the stomach. I dont know that feeling and I'd seem odd if I asked him about it. Just then the man came over with my Coffee Jelly, it looked shokingly good. Though that didnt mean it was good, when I ate it I quickly started gagging. Was this even coffee jelly?! Tasted more like normal dyed jelly with instant coffee put in. I didnt take another bite after that instead (L/n) helped carry me out of the building to get some fresh air. I knew to only place I could rely on was the store but it was disapointing that it wasnt as good as it claimed to be.

The grocery store had always sold high class coffee jelly around this time and I wasnt going to miss it again. Of course, I could always reverse time and pick some up before they were gone but it doesnt have that same feeling when you have to put laber in to get it. Its much better to relax and take in the moment when you do get one. Walking to the aisle that normally sell them...


Was I late?

Cant be, they just came in. I tracked the time whenever they came in. 4:00pm-4:30pm, every 8 months. Looking over to find out what (L/n) was doing I was frankly disappointed. He was flirting with 2 girls at the end of the lane. Why did I think it would be any different? I wasn't thinking he'd be a changed man but at least an ' Ok ' man. Ignoring hims I walked to check other places, sometimes they put things on the wrong shelf. Right? I checked every level of every shelf, even moving things out the way but I found nothing. Going to find someone who worked there while leaving the idiot to his devices I asked if they had any more Coffee Jelly. "Oh, no! Those stopped coming in. They wont be coming back till next year. Is there anyway I can help? Maybe a different one?"

I felt defeated...I'd have to wait longer. I came all this way for nothing. (L/c) walked over unamused by the pathetic and shribbled state I was in. Staring at me he stayed silent holding food in his hand, quite a lot actally. Poking me he started laughing at my pain. "Wow what the fuck happened to you? You look like fucking shit."

1. Language, I really hope this isnt going in the story...

2. Of course I look like shit, Life is shit.

Not saying anything I walked out with a 100 yen coffee jelly. It wasn't that it was bad just disapointing. Dragging myself out with (L/n) following behind.




"Are you sick"
I had to ask, it was getting on my nerves at this point and the feeling was killing me and honestly it became a huge burden. He looked over confused about the question even though I was completely serious. "...um no? Weird ass question. You kinda ruined the mood ya know."

...weird, then what was happening if he wasn't sick?
I was about to explain my thoughts when a arm wrapped around my neck.
"HEY BUDDY! What are you up to?"
Hearing (L/n) laughing he slid his hands into his pocket and started leaving me behind. Though I didn't show it I found a sense of sadness watching him leave. I'm not sure why though...


"Kasuo!! There's something outside for you!"
Huh? I didn't order anything...I was confused of course. Getting up I dragged my body over to the front door where mom left the door cracked. Opening it was a clear box of Coffee jelly inside. The tripe that rarely came around. He got a box of 6 of them. It was the exact kind I stressed over in the store. On top of the box was a small note. 'This is what you wanted, right?' Who sent this?
It couldn't have been...no he wouldn't...

...wow he really did do that..
Bring it inside I was...

No of course not. Why would he do that? Was it oddly nice that he went out of his way to go fine it and dropped it off here? Sure. But there's no reason for me to feel like this. "Ooo who gave you that? Is it that pretty girl from your school? She's a very sweet girl." Not responding I just sat and ate...

Maybe he's not too bad...
Never mind - he still sucks...

...I Guess You Wonder Where I've Been...


Time taken: A few days
Word count: 1055
Finished at: 11:11 am

Time taken: A few days -Word count: 1055-Finished at: 11:11 am------------------------------Update15%

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"Annoying Idiot" Saiki K x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now