Chapter 4

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Deva: "A restaurant? That's what the party is for?"

Deva exclaimed as they arrived at the party, which turns out to be an opening party for a restaurant franchise.

Deva: "Why were WE called for this? We're supposed to deal with high level threats like a giant mass-destruction robot, not some stupid fancy restaurant."

Marlow: "They probably had a deal with Gwain, we do work for her after all."

Deva: "What part of the deal would say 'bring your best warriors of the city to a stupid restaurant party."

Marlow: "Actually I'm pretty sure it would go something like that."

Deva: "Ugh, this is ridiculous!"

Geo: *pats Deva on the head for comfort*

Deva: "Thanks Geo..."

Agni: "Well while we pass the time, why don't you Geo tell us more about... umm... who was your friend's name again?"

Geo: "Eli."

Agni: "Yeah! Him! You were playing some music his band wrote, do you have more?"

Geo: *nods while pulling up his phone and starts playing more of Eli's music*

The group gathered round Geo as he played different clips from the many sessions from Eli's band that Geo visited. When they were interrupted by a voice.

Electra: "Hey!"

Deva: "Go away Electra, we don't want anything to do with you."

Electra: "I don't care, what are you weirdos watching?"

Agni: "What's it to you?"

Electra: "Well if you wanna know, I heard music and thought it was you two *points at Deva & Ami* playing your silly little music."

Ami: *shoots her a dirty look*

Deva: "Well if you're SOOOO curious, it's one of Geo's old friends from earth. He's a good musicianist for your information."

Electra: "Friend? From Earth? I thought you were lonely all your life!"

Electra & her two assistants start laughing. Geo shoots them a menacing look, which makes them quickly stop laughing.

Electra: "Ok well, you freaks have fun looking at whatever worthless music he makes."

The three leave as she chuckles.

Marlow: "The nerve of her, you'd think she'd warm up to us by now."

Deva: "She never changes, since everybody is too busy giving her respect simply because her father is rich so she doesn't have a reason too-"

The ground begins shaking violently as a loud boom sound is heard, the group looks behind them as multiple Ball Roberts appear behind them. Luna teleports in front of them, as the group quickly jumps into a fighting position.

Luna: "Hey! It's been a while."

Deva: "Yeah, it should've stayed that way since you didn't bring anything too challenging."

Luna: "I know, but I thought I'd go easy on you guys since you're so bored here (which to be fair it does look boring)."

Agni: "What? Luna going easy on us? That's surprising."

Luna: "Yeah well I didn't wanna completely interrupt your conversation about Eli."

The group is confused as to how Luna heard them, until they simultaneously look at Geo, who's visor can be tracked and listened to by Luna.

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