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She looked around confused before seeing herself, the younger self of her.
She saw how Jennie and Lisa made her feel noticed, she sees them leave as Mina approached her.

She knew what this was.

She knew.




The phone rose as she runs after to stop herself from calling that number, She fell to the floor. She looks up seeing how she wasn't at the party but instead-

The one place she never got out of.

Hearing Jennie's panicked voice, she felt guilt. If she never said those words, would she still be alive?

She picked herself up and walked over to Jennie, she watched the girl cry not knowing what to do. She placed her hand on Jennie's back rubbing it as the girl sobbed.

Jisoo saw how the body looked and it wasn't something anyone should see. She also was afraid of that image. She glanced at Jennie and frowns,

The girl shook, as people drives up to her. They tried to calm her until the ambulance and police came, they take Jisoo's lifeless body out of the car and rushed her in the car but Jennie screamed reaching out for her.


She couldn't go and hug Jennie telling her everything was alright, it wasn't. Her life was taken and she would never see her again until Rosé.

Jennie weeps heavily as Jisoo looks at the ground, the same one where her blood dripped on.

They take Jennie as Jisoo watched the ambulance car drive away, she wore a tired smile before accepting her fate.

It was too late.

"Jennie!" Jisoo laughs as Jennie takes a picture of her, "Stop~"

"But you look nice!" Jennie smiled as Jisoo looks away embarrassed, "Aw you're blushing!~"


Jisoo walked home as her chest was heavy, she was dead. She died. She broke her promise.

She sat on her bed and lay there as the night passes and the new day begins, her parents cleared out her room as she never moved an inch. She could hear the children playing outside and the sound of the familiar bell,

"Are you sure?" Lisa asks as Jennie looks away, "Unnie would want to see you."

"She's gone, Lisa." Jennie says, "She's dead."

"And she's never coming back, I don't ever want to step into that house again." Just like that, Jennie shut her out.

Lisa leaves the bike and walks up to the house before knocking, Jisoo's mom lets her in as Lisa walks up the stairs as if she was going to see someone.

She opened the door seeing how the room was cleaned out, She sat on the bed as she looks around.

"Unnie?" She calls out as Jisoo opened her eyes, the guilt washed over her. "If you here, show me," Lisa says as her gaze went into a mirror it was like she could see her, all once again.

She blinked, and she was gone once again.

"Today was your funeral. You know, Jennie hasn't been eating right lately. I'm worried that she'll be worse, I don't know anymore. Mina told us how the school is now doing a suicide prevention thing but- they don't know."

"Jennie's been quiet about you and I just wished I knew." Jisoo looks at her back and sighs, if you came too then you would've died.

The left side was crushed and she was surprised Jennie was alive.

"I wish I could've said goodbye." Lisa smiled sadly, "Gosh it's so weird not having you here."

"I hope you're resting." I can't.

"Unnie, I love you. Tell my grandpa I love him if you ever see him." She says before leaving, Jisoo sat on her bed and screams.

She wanted to be alive, she knew she was dead but- the truth hurts.

She was broken.

Broken to the core.

I'm sorry I couldn't live for the both of you.

The girl wakes up with sweat dripping down her face as she looks at her ceiling, what a weird dream she just had.

Maybe she was overwhelmed but the move tomorrow? Who knows.

Rosé stares at the old ceiling and frowns, was the new move going to be worth it? She'll find out later.

She closed her eyes before falling asleep to the ghost that would await for her tomorrow.

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