"-missing him. Don't block it out, don't cut so it stops, don't drink yourself numb. Just sit and let it all rip you apart. And then get up and keep breathing. One breath at a time. One day at a time. Wake up, and be shredded. Cry for a while. Then stop crying and go about your day. You're not okay, but you're alive, and you will be okay, someday." "you make it sound easy," "Fuck no, it's not easy. It's the hardest thing ever. But it's the only way. What you're doing is gonna kill you." –falling into you, Jasinda Wilder
"Become the person you would ideally fall in love with. Let cars merge into your lane when driving. Pay double for parking tickets and leave a second one in the machine. Stick your tongue out at babies. Compliment people on their cute clothes. Challenge yourself to not ridicule anyone for a whole day. Then two. Then a week. Walk with a straight posture. Look people in the eye. Ask people about their story. Talk to acquaintances so they become friends." –unknown
How cruel it was to come across a person you couldn't have in this world. I thought about this for several hours. why him? Of all the people in the world, why did it have to be him? Why must I have fallen for someone I didn't even have a chance with? I was here drowning myself with so many questions. While he was probably home sleeping not even knowing that he had awfully stolen my heart away."
Gender envy at its finest
"I wish I were a boy.
Not all the time. Just sometimes.
I wish I could put on eyeliner and glitter and actually look good.
And have girls whisper about me in bookshops because I look like a character from their favorite book.
And I wish I were a boy with dark fluffy hair, that I love to mess up and shake and makes everyone stop and stare.
And I wish I were a boy so I'd finally look cute in dresses and skirts and pants and suits.
And I wish I were a boy with a deep rock and roll voice, that makes people stop in their tracks
But I don't have that choice.
And I wish that I did cause every song I write for myself never sounds right because it was meant to be sung by somebody else.
Im happy being me but sometimes I wonder what I would be like as the opposite gender.
Would I finally be happy being me? Because I like being a girl...
But..." –MJ on tiktok
"I wanna be the kind of girl that makes people stop and stare by how she walks or talks or smiles or the clothes she wears.
The kind you see once in the street, who never leaves your head.
You see her in your dreams and you feel lonelier in your bed.
The kind of girl you bumped into while she apologized, the kind of girl they write about with constellations in her eyes.
The kind of girl who sings, the kind that doesn't have to try.
The kind of girl who moves you, who makes it hard to say goodbye.
But I'll never be that kind of girl – as I walk past the mirror, my faults and insecurities seem only to get clearer because I know my fashion sense is mediocre at best, my body's pretty "meh" (I don't have much of a chest). My gait is nothing special, I have boring shit-brown hair, my lips are small, my nose is short, I don't make people stare. My eyes are blueish-grey and they can barely even focus. My resting bitch face is off-putting to those who care to notice.
So I'll never be that kind of girl that takes your breath away.
But I hope that I could be enough.
Just enough to make you stay."
-evelyn on tiktok
poems for the lonely people like me
Thơ caI was looking for a book from the library about poems for people who are lonely because I, just like you probably are, am lonely. Since I am not an outstanding poet myself, most of these are poems/short stories that I found while scrolling through...