Chapter One

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      The door creaks, as a girl with dark blond almost being brown fading into fiery red hair, walks inside an old motel. Walking as silent as she can, a light flicks on as she hears a loud stern voice, "And where do you think you've been, young lady?!" Ember turned around only to see a six foot dark blond man staring at her in rage.  "How did you find me? I was completely off the radar." Ember uttered as she grabbed a beer from the mini fridge. Dean snatched it out of the girl's hand, " I'm your father, you really think you can go anywhere I wouldn't find you?!" He popped the cap off and took a sip. " More of I didn't think you'd really care," She grabbed another beer popping the cap off, " I mean you were too busy on your stupiud hunt you didn't let me join. '' Ember sat on the counter as her dad started going on a rampage about her safety and how she wasn't ready. "Dad, I'm 16! Didnt you start when you were younger! Why am I so damn different?" He slammed his beer on the counter, almost breaking it, " Because you weren't supposed to end up in this kind of life," He snatched her beer ;putting it back in the fridge, " and you're 16 you're not supposed to drink Ember." She rolled her eyes and grabbed him, chugging it and threw the bottle away. " Do I look like I give a damn?" 
    Two tall men, one in a trench coat and one in a button up plaid shirt appeared out of nowhere. "Great, what is this a goddamn family reunion?" She uttered. " Nice to see you too, Ember." the man in the plaid shirt smiled at his niece. She threw a beer to Sam and smiled, " ya sure whatever you say uncle." He popped it open and Dean muttered, " Oh you're happy to see him huh?" Cass scanned the room for a second, " Where's Alia?" He looked at Ember. "Oh she's at the bar still" Ember shrugged as Sam stared at her, almost turning red in the face. " woah there sammy, you ok?" She laughed a bit looking at her uncle. " You left your cousin at a bar by herself! She's 15 she shouldn't even be in one at all, nor should you Ember." Sam's voice boomed through the small motel room. "She asked to be left there! Also for your information we are both fucking 23 acording to our ID!" Ember pulled out a card with a picture of her face on it and handed it to him. "This doesn't make it true." Sam says grabbing deans keys and storming off to the car. 
    A few hours later whilst Ember, Cass, and Dean were working on the case silently, Sam walked in carrying a uncontiese girl. He laid the girl who had  soft blue grey hair, blood on her clothes and face, on the couch. " What happened to her?" Ember asked looking up from her computer. " You tell me, she was lying in the alley way." Sam coldly said glaring at her. After another few hours of silent research, all the two brothers head to bed, one on the second bed and other on the other bed. 
    Whilst Ember was still doing work and Cass had gone to get her coffee, Alia slowly sat up clenching her stomach. Ember got up, threw a few beers in her bag, and dragged her cousin to her fathers car. She had left her research and how to kill what they were up against for her dad. "You look like shit." She smiled and started up Dean's car. "Oh why thank you, I got rid of the problem though for your information." Alia leaned back letting out a sigh. " Ya know he's gonna kill you right?" She glanced at ember. Ember shrugged and as she drove down the highway, "Id rather he be mad about the damn car then them finding out we let you fucking loose your soul." she let out another sigh and grabbed a beer. " It's not that big of  problem. I'm a great hunter now, better than them." Alia chuckled, sitting up straight, " plus I feel perfectly fine, Ember." She looked at her cousin sternly, " Fine?! You're fine huh? Killing a little kid without hesitaion is fucking fine now Alia?!" Ember raised her voice. Alia went silent for a second then spoke up, " He was a threat, I simply got rid of a threat. Do you have a problem with me doing our job?" Ember pulled to the side of the road and looked at her cousin who had basically been her sister, " Yes I have a problem with you not hesitating. Not to mention when you fucking brung the old lady to tears while we questioned her!" Alia let out a sigh, " I'm doing our job, and you were then when I asked for crawleys help. He said no, he didn't want to help us Ember." Ember started driving and turned up the music, slapping Alia's hand away, " Driver picks the music, passenger shuts her cake, remember?"
    Cass walked in the small room with a bag of pie and beer, only to see the brothers passed out and the two girls gone. Sam woke up to cold droplets hitting his face. "Sam, wake up" Cass looked at the half awake man soaked in water. "They bolted, and I believe they took deans so called baby. I don't think he'll be too happy about that." Sam sat up and scanned the room then threw a pillow at dean. "They took the car dean." He said as he quickly got dressed. Dean had got up and gave sam an angrily look, " what do you mean they took the fucking car?!" He got up and looked out the window then put his shoes on. " I Swear to fucking god that girl wont see the light of day when i find her. They get in Ember's car that she had stolen from a small motel in california. They headed to the coordinates that they had tracked on their phone.
    The girls had been in their separate rooms in the bunker, ignoring each other's existence as the brothers and cass walked in. "Both of your fucking asses in front of me in 5 seconds, or you dont see the light of fucking day!" Dean's voice boomed throughout the bunker. Both girls walked in front of him, " Hey dad welcome home." Ember smiled slightly, glancing at her cousin. " Explain yourselves," the doors burst open, interrupting Dean before he could finish his sentence. "Hello boys! Oh, and girls." a booming voice announced as the doors swung open. Crawley stopped in his tracks and glanced at Alia, then at Dean. " Aww come on boys, was this really necessary?" Crawley asked as he stepped past a devils trap on the floor. "What do you want Crawley?" Dean asked, turning around staying in front of both girls. "Whatever do you mean? You're the ones who summoned me, come on don't pretend you don't love me dean." 

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