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Outfits in pic
Taylor's pov
"Everly do you ever wonder how life could have been different If I "i was cut of by Everly who suprisingly knew what I was going to say
"If you were just like me and popular"she blurted out,I snapped my head to her and quickly went back to staring at the wonderful snow,it looked like it was a huge blanket that covered the country
"Yeah"i softly said .
Being a nerd doesn't bother me I like being alone like my own bubble that nothing or no one can pop
"Hey let's go to that café you like,after what happened today I want to cheer you up"Everly said stirring her smoothie around with a straw and what happened today was that a huge bully,Noah,yelled at me for dropping my books In his persanol space and the worst thing everybody was there,and when that happened i ran,crying a river of tears.
"Yeah,sure"i said.
I ran upstairs to get changed
Since it was winter I wore a sweater with some black jeans and a hat.
I returned downstairs and saw Everly with a New York sweatshirt,a scarf,jeans and a tank top
"Are yo ready to go"everly asked
"I sure am"i said still trying to hold back some tears
"Jodie,we're going to a cafe"everly yelled
"Be careful and never leave each other"jodie yelled bak
"Ok"everly replied before we walked out the door.
"We would like two hot chocolates please" me and Everly said together,we both giggled as the waitress left
"I'm feeling happy already"i said with a smile
"Hey do you want to go somewhere else" Everly said with a worried smile looking behind me
"What is it?"i said before turning around and my worst nightmare met my eyes.
I snapped my head back to my food hoping he didn't see,..IT Was NOAH
"Hey Everly"he screamed,I could hear his loud boots approaching our table
"Hello noah"everly said,I kept my head down and didn't bother looking up and being bullied again
"Hey,who are you?"he asked
"That's"everly was about to say but I cut her I was going to make a fake name but why bother
"It's Taylor"i said standing up to face him
"Hey Everly,why are you hanging out with her"he said looking at Everly
"What do you mean hanging out with me why shouldn't she"i said shocked doesn't he know I'm her sister to be more specific twin
"Because I thought she only hanged out with cool people but I guess she is just like you"he said turning away
"Don't you talk to my twin that way"i screamed not caring if the whole cafe herd
"Taylor,let's leave"everly said holding my shoulder "NO!"i screamed
"You are her twin,please"noah said turning to face me again,my anger boiled my blood and I was looking like a tomato now
"If you do not back away I will punch you"i said and before he could speak my phone rang.i looked at the caller ID it was Jodie,I put the phoned back in my pocket and went back to glaring in Noah's eyes
"Taylor,let's go"everly said
"Fine"i snapped
I walked out of the cafe and herd Everly mumbling somthing to Noah than a bang sound,
Everly's pov
"Taylor,let's go"i said trying to calm her down,if never seen her so angry before.she left and I gave Noah a death glare
"Why would you do that, ruind the one thing that makes her happy"i snarled
"So,who cares" he said,you know I sometimes wonder why he is my friend
"I care, and if you are going to treat her like that I might as well just stop being your friend"i said slapping hi across the face.My phone rang,it was Jodie
E:hi Jodie
J:what happened why isn't your sister picking up her phone
J:never mind that but you need to come to the hospital now
E:what happened
J:I will tell you when you get here hurt
Jodie sounded scared I could hear her voice shiver with sadness."taylor"i said
"Yeah"she said clenching her fists
"We need to go to the hospital now!" I said
"What happened"she stuttered finally stoping
"Idk but Jodie wants us"i said trying to rush to the car
At hospital
"Omg,where were you two"she said I could tell she had been crying
"What happened"i asked scared
"It' huh! And b.b...BRITTANY" she said crying again
I was just about to ask what happened to them but I noticed Taylor was gone,after a few mins she came
"They said that dad is in a better place after a car accident"she cried colapsing in my arm
"What happened to Brittany"i asked
"They said that she lost her leg"she heart shattered into a million pieces as I held Taylor in my arms we quickly ran to the reception "where is Brittany woods"i asked "third floor room 103"the lady said,
What happened to our family.
Note:first chapie I hope you guys liked it and vote

Is it a good idea if they tell Brittany

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