Chapter 19 (Homework)

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-Sohyun's POV-

"Ok before homework change your clothes first Tae." I said then pull out my homework.

~Few Minutes Later~

"Ahh done" i said as i finish my homework

"Come on Tae hurry up" I said and put my things on my bag.

"Then help me here pls." Tae said then look at me.

"Nope you do your own homework." I said then lay at his bed and use my phone.

"Ok then your not Tannie's mom anymore." Tae said threatening me.

"Doesn't matter he love me he won't let that happen." I said and continue using my phone.

"Then i'll hide him from you, you won't see him anymore." Tae said making me stop what i was doing and look at him.

I saw him looking at me while smirking.

"Fine let me help you with that." I said then went closer to him.

I'm helping well more likely doing Taehyung's homework while his just behind me.

I'm almost done with the homework when suddenly i felt something on my waist.

"T-tae" I look at my back at Tae.

His eye lid is slowly falling so i guess he's falling asleep while back hugging me?

As his eyes is completely shut down body land on my back i let him sleep at my back for a while for me to finish his homework we were on his bed while we were writing on a foldable table on his bed so when i finish Tae's homework i left Tae's things on the foldable table first then slowly turn around to support his body and not straightly land on the bed and woke his up i support his body and put a pillow under his head.

After properly putting Tae on the bed i clean up his school things and put it on his bag so he won't forgot it tomorrow then put back the foldable table where Taehyung got it from as i finished cleaning up i sat down on the bed then i felt something soft touch my legs i look down and saw Yeontan whom i put up on the bed then he quickly when to his father and lay on him i found them cute so i grab my phone grab took some pictures which i admire for a long time.

After properly putting Tae on the bed i clean up his school things and put it on his bag so he won't forgot it tomorrow then put back the foldable table where Taehyung got it from as i finished cleaning up i sat down on the bed then i felt somethi...

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When i felt bored i put my phone on the nightstand and i feel thirsty so i decided to go downstairs at first i hesistant but im really thirsty so went down.

When i was already on the kitchen i saw a maid there cleaning when i was about to go close to her to ask where the water is Aunty suddenly appear on my side.

"Do you need anything dear?" Aunty asked then smile at me

"Aunty where is the water?" I asked

"Oh let me give you some, What do you dear cold or room temperature water." Aunty said and went to grab a glass.

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