June 29th Panromantic Pride Month

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Panromantic is the romantic attraction to individuals regardless of gender, and as a result, one is attracted to all genders. Panromantic individuals may be described as being "gender blind" showing that gender is not a factor in their attraction to an individual.

The sexual equivalent is pansexual.

Panromantic vs. Omniromantic

Panromantic is often compared to biromantic,omniromantic, or other pluralian identities. It is very similar to omniromantic as they both involve the attraction to all genders, however, one can make a distinction between them if they wish.

Omniromantics typically feel a difference between genders. This can manifest in having a preference for specific gender(s). It can also manifest as feeling like the act of being attracted to a certain gender feels different than the act of being attracted to other genders. (For example, they may feel like the act of being attracted to a woman feels different than being attracted to a man.) Omniromantics and other multiromantics may also find certain traits only attractive on certain genders.

A panromantic individual, on the other hand, does not feel any internal difference between genders or feels like any difference felt between genders is irrelevant. Although some panromantic individuals may still have a gender preference, this is not caused by an internal difference felt in attraction, or is so minor that one feels it is irrelevant.


Word Count: 219

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