Short story

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There once lived two best named Anna and Polly. These girls were not any best friend; they were special and had the biggest power known to man. Anna and Polly were to young to realize it, but their elders Caleb, Savvy, and Ashley could sense it in there inner bowels. This made them jealous and having the want to kill these two special girl. But alas the power the girl bestowed was to strong for any ass hole that tried to take them down. This is were are story begins. Anna arrived at school. She waited for Polly as she did every day; but Polly was not there. She searched for Polly and asked all of her elders if they had seen her, but she was no were. Anna began to have a panic attack and began rub her wenis, which for some reason always seemed to calm her down. After a few deep breaths and rubs of her wenis, she went to her 1st hour. The whole hour she couldn't stop thinking if Polly was ok. She never missed school, even the time she had the flu. "I hope she's ok" she whispered to herself over and over again. When the bell rang she ran out of her class and saw Polly. She gave her a face that only Polly would understand. "where where you" Anna ask. "I don't know.I went to bed last night and when I woke up and I was in the school parking lot" Polly responded. the two girls were very confused and kept thinking of things that could have happened. All the sudden the to girl accidentally toughed wenis to wenis and began floating. Rays of light began to stream form eat girls wenis. the didn't understand but some how it all made sense. Every one began to state with excitement and terror in their eyes. A few seconds later all three of their elders walked out in their eyes shone bright with confusion and hatred. These girls had something they wanted, the special connection that most people don't have. The power to touch wenis's. No one could tough wenis's or they would begin to hate one another; but these girls has the power to do so. This meant they would never fight, and never have to suffer pain or becoming old. Only few people get this special gift, and these girls were lucky to have it. when the lights began to stop coming from there wenis's the girls fell to the ground and passed out. Quickly there elders snatched them away and tied them up in a closet. When the girls awoke they were very confused. elder Savvy walked in with a bat. "If I can't kill you, I will just have to torture you" she said with an evil laugh following. Then all three of the elders walked in with different devices to hurt the girls. Right as elder Caleb went to hit Anna the two girls vanished just like that. After that day, it was said the girls were never found. rumors spread let the girls were witches who managed to escape. But I know those girls were so special that their wenis energy combined and turned them in the goodness of the world. So every time you do or see some one do good, remember Anna and Polly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2015 ⏰

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