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Felling a sharp pain hit your lower back you shoot eyes open and look down to see your self still in a criss cross position on the floor with the blanket still on your lap and phone beside you

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Felling a sharp pain hit your lower back you shoot eyes open and look down to see your self still in a criss cross position on the floor with the blanket still on your lap and phone beside you.

"ha I didn't die." you said having a slight smile on your face

checking the time it was 9:04 am.

I think the police department is open about that time.

wait shouldn't they be open 24/7??

pushing the closets door open slowly and peaking your head out and looking left to right slowly to see if there was anyone there. deeming that there was no one you got up from your position making sure to grab your phone and walked out of your closet.

stretching your back because of the pain you were feeling, finally reliving the pain that had seated  in your lower back.

you didn't bother to fix the bed you were too lazy to do that because you were still tired. you just went to the door and twisting it, it opened right away.....the door was unlocked....the door was unlocked.

wait a damn minute....

hold up....

its fine I prob didn't lock it right...



getting a little freaked out you went into your room and put your phone on your bed and made your way to your bathroom and making sure that the curtains were closed and went to use the bathroom.

after finishing what you were doing you took your phone and went down stairs to get something to eat.

(you washed your hands don't worry)

walking down the stairs you would look around a little to see if there was anyone there because you were a little paranoid. making your way to your kitchen you were thinking of what to make for breakfast.

"I'm just going to eat bread I eh have the energy to make anything fancy" you said to yourself.

you just made some tea (if you don't drink tea use whatever you drink for breakfast) and some DRY bread and cheese. (if you understand this then yk how it is).

eating your breakfast you decided to text Kailyn to tell her about your dream.

𝙠𝙖𝙞 ❤🦦

hey ShAwTy 😩

man what is wrong with you

shawty dont be like that 😫
𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 9:18
okay kai i was joking come back
𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥 9:18
kai im sorry
bro dont do that
i said i was sorry

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