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Alex ran out of the home and down the dirt path then completely changed directions to the woods the blur of greens and browns brought a smile to Alex's face he made it to a clearing in the woods he walked to an old hut and opened the door. he turned on the lights and threw his book bag to the floor and stepped over to the old cheap desk and sat in the chair he turned on an old computer he typed in the password and sighed as he looked through the missed messages. the font was as big as it could get and he still had a hard time reading it. he sighed as he scrolled through the messages then a blurry pfp caught his eye. he smiled and called his friend. Wasp. wasp was his friend's vigilante name. he was good at coding and building he even made Alex a shit pair of glasses. but they broke after he got clobbered across the face. Alex held the phone away from his face after he realized wasp picked up

"GHOST DUDE HOW'S IT HANGIN MISSED THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!" wasp yelled over the phone 

 "dude it's been like a week chill," Alex replied with a chuckle he brought the phone back to his face.

 "ok ghost I got eyes on vortex AND his sidekick! we can help dude!" wasp voice had an audible grin.

" and if I get caught? that's a six-year sentence! or what if I see vortex and kill them? I just don't know dude." Alex sighed but stood up from his chair and walked to a lockbox he pulled one of the keys from his keyring and opened the box. he took out his gear and suit and his last working hearing aid. "send me the coordinates I am leaving the hut now" you could hear wasps excitement as he told Alex the coordinates. Alex put on his sneakers headed to the area

...his school...SHIT

Alex listened carefully as wasp shared details about the scene.  the villain was class-b and was holding a class hostage. as Alex approached the scene he saw police and some low-rank heroes helping control the crowd. the vigilante sneaked behind the building and walked to the 3rd floor and he shook with anger as vortex had his black acidic blasts powered up aimed at the Villian...and students. without thinking he sprinted at the 'hero'  throwing both of them out the window. as he and vortex fell he felt a strong force hold him up. he was slowly dragged to the top of the roof. he gripped windows but after 30 seconds vortex grabbed his hand and flung him to the roof.

Alex rubbed his head the noticed the two men walking to him. vortex said something to his sidekick and the apprentice nodded. then vortex walked away probably back to the villain. Alex went to stop him but the sidekick got to him first. "so your ghost?" his tone was demeaning almost as if he thought he was better than the boy on the ground. Ghost stayed silent he slid further back as the other boy came closer."listen your making this harder than it has to be now come with me you alerdy started enough problems" he held his hand out for alex to grab. when alex rejected the off stood up he lunged at the kid in training. he felt sharp pains all over his body as the same force that stoped his fall held him up now. Alex looked at the hero then to the dumb nametag apprentices have to wear. "HAH STRONGLOCK?!? WHAT KIND OF NAME IS THAT?" Alex was already in pain jokes made it wayy better. " HEY ITS A MIX OF MY POWERS STRONGLY...LOcking place? WHATEVER GHOST SUCKS TOO!" the hero yelled back alex felt the pressure ease "dude you wish you had a cool name" ghost mumbled back the hero acted angry but the hold on alex was loose. soon alex fell to the ground and the hero regained composure. Alex took his chance to straight up book it. he ran down the step the hero far behind a blur of doors and classrooms speed past him. noticed a large object poking out the hallway. as he got closer he realised it was a door. he spun into the room. "no...NO" was what managed to come out alexes mouth. blood and black acid like goop was splattered across the room. a student was hunched over. he turned behind him to see stronglock bolt passed the room almost like he was avoiding even looking inside. alex looked out the broken window a blur of what he assumed was the villain going into the cop car. alex rung up wasp  and waited an answer but got no reply wich was odd. wasp always picked up during missions. Ales sighed and snuck out the school and walked to the nearest resteraunt. he changed in an ally and walked into a diner. he ordered a milkshake and some fries and sat in a booth near the corner. 


he picked up the phone and heard wasp speak in a hushed tone " there's a guy here with a warrant he wants to search my house dude!" wasps voice shook as alex cought the weight of the situation. if the cop findes the entrance to his basement they were both done for. he herd a muffled noise of wasp putting his phone in his pocket. alex knew wasp and the cop were talking but he had no clue what was being said after a few minutes wasp said he would call back tomorrow and the call ended. Alex looked at the time and panicked he was officially late by 20 minutes. he quickly payed for his food and bolted out the door. he finally made it to the happy homes establishment and groned as he saw all the lights on and mrs.holms on the porch. "your late kid" she spat " I was worried after I saw what happened to your school I...i thought you were dead." Alex sighed and sat next to her they sat in silence before she spoke " alex I know how you feel abought heroes...shit I feel the same but a life changing opportunity has come. you were invited to do an apprenticeship and I signed you up.." she look into alex's eyes hoping to find a positive emotion somewhere in the souless orbs. "why?" alex asked in a soft tone any louder and he would of broken down right then. " happy homes is going bankrupt our plan is to get the older kids out as fast as possible...and this is better than what I could of given this ian an opportunity of a life time." she looked so sad. 

"now start getting packed your leaving tomorrow." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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