🥀Chapter Twenty Six🥀

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"Come in"

I entered his office and saw him sitting around his desk looking through a document. His jacket was off and his hair looked a bit messy. I went closer and then placed the coffee on his desk.

"Morning", I say before stepping back and waited for him to dismiss me. I was still shaken up by what happened Saturday and my mood hasn't lightened since. I even told Devin about my past and that had been a huge step for me.

"Morning", he replied before he took the lid off the coffee and took a sip. His eyes watched me as he did that and I sighed as I wondered if he was going to tell me to leave or not.

"Remember we are leaving for paris on Saturday -

"I know", I say immediately because I just didn't feel like listening to him talk. I just wanted to go to my office and be alone. I had enough on my plate already.

"Did something happened? You're quite miserable this morning", he said before relaxing into his chair and crossing his legs.

"It's none of your business ; can I go now?", I say as I started to feel impatient. I crossed my arms before giving him my full attention. His eyes pierced mine as he tried to study me. Typical Mordechai.

"You can go".

I turned and left his office as soon as he said that. I went to mine and locked the door before sitting around my desk. I sat there just staring at my computer screen for a good ten minutes just lost in thoughts. I regain my composure and started to type up a letter that will be printed and delivered.

A few minutes later I finished and realise that there was no paper to print on. I groaned before getting up and leaving the office. I took the elevator to the second floor and went to the store room. It was the only part of the building that didn't have any AC and the light was a bit dull.

I heard the sound of the door being opened and I went behind a stall full of papers as I watched Mordechai entered. He ran a hand through his hair as his face fell as if he was beyond stressed. A few seconds later the door opened and Tiffany came in.

So Diedra was right...they seem to be closer than anyone thinks. I watched as she ran a hand over his chest before he wrapped his arms around her and they started kissing. I wanted to leave because I had no intention of watching them ravish each other.

Funny isn't it? I thought boss and employee relationships were forbidden.

Well certainly not for them.

"Your father doesn't understand", Tif said before kissing him once more.

"I just want to be free", Mordechai replied before removing his hands form her body. She only smiled slightly before retracting her hands and stepping back.

"I have to go talk to him", he said before walking past her and out the door. She straightened her tie and fixed her hair before walking out after him. I moved from my spot with the papers in my hand before opening the door and checking. No one was around and so I walked out and went back to the elevator.

This was definitely something else. Tif and Mordechai was in a intimate relationship. Now I know a part of the reason why she was so mean to me in the first place. She thought I wanted him which I clearly do not. It was their business and I had no thoughts of getting involved in it. If they wanted to suck each others throats out, they're free.

As I neared my office I caught sight of Mordechai who was talking with..... keith?. When he saw me his face lit up and he held up his hand that had a bouquet of flowers in it.

"Keith, what are you doing here?", I asked as I looked between him and Mordechai. He only smiled before pushing the flowers towards me which I grabbed out of instinct.

"I came to ask you out".

I looked at Mordechai who's eyes had sunken and face had gotten serious. What was his problem? Keith was just smiling away as he looked me up and down. There was something about the way he was staring at me ; it wasn't lustful or anything.

Just pleasant.

"I'm not sure about -

"Your wonderful Vanessa. I liked you from the night I met you at the party and I still do. I haven't seen you in a while so I thought I would forget about you and move on but...I can't"

I didn't know what to think. I couldn't let my guard down as much as I let it down with Franco. Keith seemed like an ok guy but I wasn't ready to date anyone. I had too much to focus on and I don't even know if he can be trusted. Mordechai walked past me brushing me in the process as Keith stepped closer.

"Please, just one date and if you hate it I'll stay away from you, I promise".

I pursed my lips as I looked at the flowers in my hand. He sounded desperate for a date which I don't want but what harm could it do? Perhaps coming clean about him being one of my clients in the past and that he knew who I was.

"Ok, but not this week ; I'm really busy", I say as his face lit up and he smiled brightly.

"Thanks Vanessa, you won't regret it".

He continued smiling as he walked past me and left. I looked at the flowers before taking a huge inhalation of them. They smelled really nice ; I'll add them to Devin's vase at the house.

I went back to work with too much things on my mind but the main one was that I hope I won't regret the date with Keith.


I took up my bag and the flowers before leaving the office. I went to the elevator and waited for it to reach my floor. A few seconds later it came to a halt and the door opened revealing Mordechai who's hair was a mess as if he was tugging on it quite harshly.

When he saw me his eyes met mine before they travelled to the flowers in my hand. He stepped aside to give me space to enter but I stayed glued to my spot. I looked at him confusingly because he just came up so he had no business going back down immediately.

"Are you coming in or not?", he asked impatiently as I sighed before entering.

"I will pick you up at 6 sharp on Saturday and then we'll go the airport where the jet will be waiting for us", he said as the elevator started to descend.

"Ok", I replied not thinking I need a long answer. I started playing with the flower petals enjoying the softness of their texture.

"There's something I need to know", I say as I looked him in the eyes. He removed his hands from his pocket as he gestures for me to continue.

"Why didn't you bring Tifanny instead? A reasonable answer will do".

"Because she's not my personal assistant", was his reply but I only chuckled. I knew that wasn't the reason as to why.

"What? Why do you think I didn't chose her?", he said stepping closer to me. I backed away but he didn't stop walking towards me. His eyes became sharp as he studied me. My back had hit the wall and he stopped in his tracks when the elevator came to a stop. He straightened his tie before the door opened. He was about to walk out but he stopped and looked at me.

"This isn't over".

He left and I walked out a few seconds after him. What did he mean by that? For all I know is that they're was a deep reason why he didn't chose Tif. It has nothing to do with me being an assistant because he despised me and can't tolerate my presence. Maybe it was because they were together?...I don't think so either.

Maybe I'll find the reason why when we do get to Paris.


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