🥀Chapter Twenty Seven🥀

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"If anything bad happens, call me ok?".

I smiled before offering Devin a hug. Today was Saturday which came by pretty fast and now I'll be heading to Paris...with my arrogant boss. I packed as he said, four outfits including something for a special occasion. I also packed some necessities which I deemed will come in very handy.

At the moment Devin was in a mixture of moods because he didn't want anything bad to happen to me. He was like a overprotective dad which I don't blame him. He said he won't be here for a few days either ; wanting to spend some time with his girlfriend.

It was after five and Mordechai said six so I was outside on the front porch waiting. I wore a black skirt with a red blouse and my jacket because the time was quite chilly. I had on my beanie and my hair was loose on my shoulders.

"I'll be fine Dev, well hopefully. I just want to have this experience so I will know what Paris feels like if I don't get to go there ever again. You never know what the future holds.

"I know, just call me if things go south, I'll be there before you know it".

I smiled at him. In life it was good to have someone who you can rely on and who will always have your back. The only thing was that person must can be trusted. We stayed silent for a few more minutes just looking out when two black cars pulled up.

A door was opened and I saw Mordechai waiting in the back. I hugged Devin once more before taking my suitcase and going towards the car. The trunk opened and after placing my suitcase inside I entered the car. I closed the door before fiddling with my fingers.

"Morning", I say as I glanced his way. He didn't reply ; instead he continued strolling through his phone. I groaned inwardly before relaxing in the seat. We haven't even reached a good distance and he was being mean. I hope I don't regret this trip.

The ride was silent and quite boring to be honest so I took out my phone and my earphones before listening to some music. I closed my eyes as I let the melody of these songs consume me.

Half way through one of my favourite songs my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller and saw that it was Franco. I groaned before declining the call and went back to listening my music. I was about to close my eyes when I felt a hand touched my arm. I looked at Mordechai and saw that he wanted to say something to me.

I took out my earphones and stopped the music before giving him my attention. Didn't even thought he noticed me since he refused to answer me this morning.

"Are you guys together?", he asked as he turned his phone off and looked at me.

"Definitely not", I replied as I recalled the past events with Franco. I hated him with a passion and I don't want to ever see him again.

"You don't have to lie Vanessa, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with being with someone", he said as I looked at him with mixed expressions. He wasn't serious ; he just thought I was lying.

"First of all, I'm not a liar and besides there's nothing to lie about. What's it to you anyway? As far as I'm concerned it's none of your business who I date or not".

He hummed for a few seconds before going back to his phone. He had nothing to say? He wasn't the one to back down and it was clear I said something that stroke a nerve of his. I relaxed once more in my seat as I tried to block out some annoying thoughts. I hate it when you don't want to think about something but your mind has different plans.

I closed my eyes as I tried to stay calm and relaxed for the rest of the car ride.


I watched as the jet came into view. It was the first time I've seen one up so close and it was quite the sight. Once we exited the car I pulled my suitcase along as I followed behind Mordechai who was still on his phone. He better hope he doesn't trip and fall because I wouldn't be the one to help him up. Well, he wouldn't need my help anyways. He's disgusted by low status people.

I walked up the stairs and I felt as if this moment needed to be captured so I took out my phone and snapped a pic. I wasn't the one to usually take photos but I needed this. Once finished I went inside and after putting away my suitcase I sat down and fastened my seatbelt. Mordechai was on the other side of me and was still on his phone.

Probably texting Tiffany.

Why did I just think that? I could care less what business he was doing on his phone. This flight was going to be quite long and the jet hasn't taken off yet so I got up and went to the bathroom. The inside was quite nice. I did my business before flushing the toilet and washing my hands. I looked in the mirror at my reflection.

I was a strong woman. I've endured a lot and I was still pushing through. If it wasn't for the choices and decisions I made I wouldn't be on this flight to Paris. Everything happens for a reason, it always does.

I left the bathroom and went back to my seat before buckling up. A few seconds later the jet started to take off and I felt some sort of thrill, excitement - my nerves were going haywire. Mordechai got up before coming over to my side and taking a seat in front of me. After fastening his seatbelt he crossed his legs as he started at me.

Ok then.

I patted my fingers against my legs as I stared out the window at the beautiful view.

"I need you to take notes".

I looked at him for a good ten seconds before realizing what needed to be done so I got up and went inside the pocket of my suitcase. I pulled out my mini journal and my pen before sitting back down.

"So tomorrow, I have a small meeting with Mr. Camren but you won't be accompanying me", he said as I wrote it down before looking up at him.

"Why won't I be going with you?", I asked but he just shrugged it off.

"I have my reasons. Next, Monday is the big meeting and you will be attending. Keep in mind that my dad will be there and many other important people, so don't try to challenge me and make me look bad. It won't end well for you".

He was trying to intimidate me but I was use to it by now. Just imagine me challenging him in front of so many VIPs. He would throw a fit but then again it probably won't end well for me as he says. I watched as he got up before going back to where he was.

I sighed before relaxing and closing my eyes. I was surprised that I didn't feel any form of sickness since it's my first time in the air. Not that it's a bad thing....

I kept my eyes close as I inhaled and exhale. I had this unsettling feeling in my gut telling me that I was in for a treat on monday. Maybe because I will be in a room with Mordechai and also his father who seems to have quite the temper.

Guess I'll find out when the day comes, for now, I need some sleep.

This is all for now guys, I'm sorry. I wanted to give 5 chapters but am drained at the moment and I'm sorry.
I hope you understand. But am working on the other chapters don't worry.


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