🥀Chapter Twenty Eight🥀

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I pulled my suitcase along as I descend the steps. The jet landed a few minutes ago and now we were going on a long car ride to Mordechai's penthouse. After placing my suitcase in the trunk of the car, I entered it as I felt my belly rumble. Come to think of it I haven't eaten anything since this morning. I hope we can stop to get something on the way.

As the car drove off I felt like I wanted to sleep again. I couldn't because then I will miss all the beautiful sights Paris has to offer. I took off my jacket and my beanie before focusing my attention out the window. I smiled as I admired the beautiful buildings as they passed us by. Paris was definately a place to visit ; maybe after leaving New York I will reside here.

"Vanessa, I need you to drop something off for me tomorrow morning".

I looked at Mordechai as he handed me an envelope. I took it before examining the words written on it. It was in a different form of language that I couldn't understand. French perhaps?.

"Where?", I asked because I didn't know anywhere in Paris. He couldn't be serious about this.

"Just stop asking questions ; you'll see when we get there tomorrow", he replied before I rolled my eyes at him. I placed the envelope on the empty space beside me before continuing to look out the car window. I saw a hotdog stand from a distance and I felt my mouth water. It's been a long time since I've had one. The last time I ate a hotdog was when I was working for Zed. Alexa and I would buy them together after work sometimes.

"Can I stop here for a while?", I asked as the cart got closer. Mordechai shook his head no but I grabbed his hand without even thinking.

"Please, I haven't had a hotdog in a very long time".

He watched me as I studied him hoping he would say stop. But he didn't. I watched as the cart passed by and I remembered his hand and I released it immediately. He was wicked and utterly selfish.


The car came to a halt and I looked out the window. The cart was a far distance away. He just had to wait until it was too far. I turned and looked at him with a serious face but he was checking his watch.

"You have fifteen minutes, no more", he said as I smiled slightly before taking up my small purse and exiting the car. The fresh air was wonderful. I passed a painter who was painting a portrait of a couple and a smoothie stand with a lot of persons surrounding it. I wasn't a fan of smoothies because of the syrup they put in it.

As I reached the hotdog stand I was greeted with a young guy who seemed happier than ever.

"Bonjour Belle, Que puis-je t'offrir?", he said as I gave him a blank expression. I had no clue what he said and I wasn't going to ask him to repeat so I can use Google translate.

"Hotdog", I say as he smiled even brighter before getting to work. I watched as he added everything and I was quite intrigued by how fast he was moving. He wrapped it up before placing it in a napkin and handing it to me.

"un hot-dog pour une belle fille", he said as I smiled pretending to understand before taking a bite from the hotdog. I closed my eyes and actually moaned from the taste. It was just one of those type of foods that you can never get tired of.

"My hotdog made you moan, that's nice", the guy said shocking me but he only laughed. So he knew english as well?... He handed me a small piece of paper but I just ignored it before taking another bite.

"It's just my number, if you want to know your way around Paris you can call me".

"No thanks, besides am only here for a few days then I'll be leaving back for the city".

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