🥀Chapter Thirty🥀

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"Can you at least give me some info?", I asked annoyingly as I entered the back of the car. I held the envelope in my hand as Mordechai started it and drove off. He remained quiet still refusing to answer me. I had no idea where I will be dropping off the envelope I needed to. It could be anywhere and I don't know anything about Paris or even the type of buildings.

"Vanessa, stop asking ok? When I do get there all I need you to do is go inside and ask for someone, they will know who it's from", was his reply as I processed what he said. But then something began to puzzle me and I had to find out more.

"So...why can't you drop it off yourself?".

"Because I'm not the assistant".

I stared at him with narrowed eyes but kept quiet. Typical arrogance and bossyness. I fixed my beanie and then hugged my coat tighter. The coat I'm wearing was one of my favourites because it's a trench coat and the material was nice to the touch. Also the colour which was a dark brown.

I went into my small clutch and took out my phone. I got a message from Devin asking how things were. After replying that they were good I went into my photos. I smiled when I saw the picture I took on the jet stairs. Maybe one day I'll have a book of past memories.

"We're here. Now, I want you to ask for Mr. Walsh, he'll know who sent you".

His face got serious as he looked at me. I felt a bad energy surround me as I held his gaze for a few more seconds before leaving the car. I stopped and looked at the building. It wasn't anything too extravagant and the decor wasn't as eye catching. I went up the stairs and went through the double doors. It was a shop. A regular shop but it seems as if business was slow.

I saw a young girl behind the counter and went over to her side. She smiled awkwardly as she waited for me to say something.

"Hello, is Mr. Walsh here?", I asked as she pointed to the back.

"I'll go get him for you ; you can look all you want, maybe something will spark your interest", she replied before going off to get him. I turned and looked at the different items that were selling. It was more of a convenient store to me.

"Hello, who are you?".

I was a bit startled as I turned and looked at a short middle aged looking man. He wore a suit and his eyes seemed sunken as if he was sleep deprived. He had a small bodily figure and a small moustache. He also had a fluent english accent.

"Hi, I was sent by Mr. Lenetti, he said to give you this", I replied as I handed him the envelope. He took it with shaky hands as I saw his face fall depressingly. Did he knew what was inside already? Well definitely not but it seems as if he was about to fall apart. I looked at the girl and she had the same expression as her father but a more angry side to it.

He didn't look like he could formulate any words so I kept my curiosity to myself and left the place. I went back to the car with mixed feelings. Something was so wrong and maybe I should've red what was inside the envelope - even thou I would've been in trouble.

"Did he say anything?", Mordechai asked as he glanced over his shoulder at me. His lips were in a thin line as he struck his tongue out and licked them. I averted my eyes instantly before finally answering his question.

"He couldn't ; when he saw the envelope it seems as if he was about to have a heart attack", I replied as he nod once before starting the car.

"Wait, you can let me off. I don't intend to spend the day at the penthouse alone".

"So would you rather spend the day with me? The arrogant and selfish man who doesn't like to be challenged?".

I started at him with narrowed eyebrows refusing to answer to what he just said. Ofcourse I wouldn't rather to spend the day with him. I rather die of boredom at the penthouse.

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