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"Sorry to bother you sir but, I saw there was a job opening?" The silver haired boy said, as he hands Soobin the flyer.

Soobin takes the paper out of his hands look at it, then back down.


"Sorry, kid, but this place is only going to be open for about a week or so until I find a buyer. So you might as well just take this back," Soobin hands him back the paper, "and leave."

"Oh.." the boy looked disappointed, but nodded in understandment.

As he turned to walk back, from wherever he came, Soobin felt a bit of guilt wash over him. After all, he did just reject this poor kid from a job opportunity.

"Hey!" Soobin yells to him.

The stranger turns back once again with a questioning look on his face.

"Would you like to grab a bit to eat? It's on the house. I need to get rid of all these pastries anyways.. the only people who really consistently buy from me are my two friends in there."

"Oh? Are you sure I'll definitely pay." The boy said.

Soobin looks back at his two best friends, who has just witnessed the whole scene, looking for an answer from them.

He turns to see the two vigorously nodding their heads.

Soobin turns back to the boy and agrees.

As the two walk to the counter to open the register, the silver haired boy noticed the two familiar faces that were hiding behind Soobin.

"Hey, I've seen you guys around school before, haven't I?"

Both of their eyes widen as they both turn to each other, trying to only keep their excitement of being noticed by Choi Beomgyu (perhaps the most popular person in school) in.

Heuningkai was the first to speak up, like always, "yeah!- ahem- yea uh I'm pretty sure I've seen you to.." speaking awkwardly in response.

Soobin, from the back, glanced to see the awkward, but very amusing, conversation that was occurring from just a few feet away from him.

"Uh I'm Heuningkai but everyone calls me Kai and- and this is Yeonjun! You're Beomgyu obviously.." Kai clears his throat after speaking too fast.

"Obviously..?" The boy, now known as Beomgyu, questioned.

Yeonjun peaked out from behind of Heuningkai's shoulder and said, "well, you are pretty much the most known person in school. You gotta see it from our perspective dude," he stood up from his chair to sling his arm around Beomgyu, and then continues to say, "me n Kai being loners and seeing you just waltz in here talking to us is like... like... hm.."

Yeonjun stopped talking to think of a word, or rather, statement to use.

Soobin then comes out from the back kicking the door open, since his hands are full. The left holding three muffins on a plate for them all and milk tea just for Beomgyu. Since the other two already have their own.

"Social suicide?" Soobin finishes his friends statement.

"Yes! Exactly!" Yeonjun turns back to Beomgyu, "social suicide." He says in a sly smile crossing him arms, acting prideful as if he came up with it first.

"Heh... I think that's like classist?" Beomgyu responded

Soobin bursted out in laughter at that.

"Classism is more so on economic status. You can be poor as shit and still be popular in college. Classism is based on discrimination it's like, set up around to be benefiting to old rich white dudes or something. What Jun is, stupidly, referring to is a stereotype always seen in dumb teen romcom movies."

Beomgyu just nodded trying to understand.
"Well, what about you? Do you go to our school?"

Soobin laughed a bit at that too before responding, "Oh no no no. No. I took lots of college classes back in high school. 16 and going into college was like a great reputation for me then." Soobin said in an obvious sarcastic tone, then started using unnecessary hand motions as he rambled on.

"My high school peers thought I was nerdy and odd for literally not being there more than half the time while my college peers thought I was weird for still being an adolescent."

"I purposely flunked out after a year or two of doing that though since I actually hated it. Then I took normal highschool classes again. Had these two losers in all my classes," he stated while side glancing at the eldest and youngest in the room.

"Before I switched to the, hm- I guess more advanced classes we distanced from each other- but never mind. Here's your food." I handed him his food and he sat down on the empty leather-seated stool. There he sat with Kai talking about their classes and hot girls from each other's grade.

He soon finished his late night meal, said his goodbyes, and left.

"Wow.. Beomgyu isn't actually all that bad from what I thought."

"Yeah, dude, it's like he has two different personalities." Kai and Jun laughed at that.

I huffed, annoyed, mainly because I was tired and Beomgyu stayed a lot longer than expected. Plus, my social meter is at negative fifty right now.

"All right guys I'm now kicking you out. We're closed."

"What?? But I thought we would watch a movie or something we barely talked all day." Yeonjun whined disappointed.

"You all over stayed your visit. Especially Beomgyu," I said glaring off to the side, "You two could've talked to me instead of him but it's fine. Just come back tomorrow, I'm tired and need sleep."

Still protesting and complaining they begged me to stay longer and watch a movie but I kept telling them I was sleepy.

"If you two stay any longer I will lock up, go upstairs, and leave you both here."

I think that frightened them into packing up their things and leaving.

After I say my goodbyes to my best friends I do my final clean ups around the counter and kitchen the decide to head up stairs.

Honestly.. I was kind of lying to the two saying I was tired and needed sleep. Really I just needed a break from everyone and everything for a while and have some time to myself.

I know I have rich parents and all that but my apartment is surprisingly small to others who know me. The furniture looks like I got it in the back of a good will for thirty-something dollars. My ceiling lights are almost going out to the point where it takes me a couple of tries to lighten up my room.

Though, the way I describe it doesn't match the whole picture. I have very big windows, not proportionate to the rest of the rooms, walk-in closet and a very tidy home in all.

I try to make it as much of a home to me as possible. I have a nice pale green circular rug in the center and between the tv and couch in my main area. Then in my bed room I have a secondary wall television in front of my bed. My bed is also abnormally large compared to the rest.

I have a queen sized mattress in the middle of my room plus a small gaming/work area in the corner of my room.

I think for the most part I'm well off and don't need much else.

[A/N haven't posted in SO LONG.. haven't been feeling well either and writing is my escape rn so might be updating a couple chapters in this next month :)))]

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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