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The mission alarm echoed loudly through the compound, alerting everyone that there was a mission. Normally, a mission would be assigned, and if there was a big one that included the whole team, they would meet the day before, but this one was a last-minute one, no one knew why.

Instead of complaining about it, the tea, all went and suited up and then made their way to the jet. Bucky and Steve were the last to show up, them both walking in together and setting down together.

The minute they were sitting, the Jet took off towards the destination while Tony started debriefing them about the mission. They were to take down one of the last hydra bases on S.H.I.E.L.D.S radar. Since the base had a total of three buildings they would break up into three teams, all taking a building.

Tony, Peter, Nat, and Clint on one team, Sam, Wanda, Vision, and Thor on another, Bruce staying on the ship, unless they needed a code green. Which leaves Bucky and Steve on a team by themselves.

After landing a solid two miles away from the base so they would alert anyone, everyone got out of the jet, except Bruce, and made their way to the base.

"All right, buck you ready?" Steve asked, bucky nodded as they opened the door of one of the three buildings, taking down the guard that was posted there like nothing. Bucky went left and steve went right, taking down the hydra agents in the way.

For the most part, the building they were in was mostly empty. Steve and Bucky walked down a long hallway, and could easily see that the building was made for cells."I'm guessing these are the cells." Bucky said, Steve nodded.

"We should clear them, make sure nobody's there," Steve said, opening the first door on the right, bucky doing the same on the left. They both went down the long hallway checking each cell, Each cell getting worse and worse as they walked more down the hallway.

"Clear, that's the last one on this side," Steve said as he shut the last cell door before turning towards bucky.

He still had one last cell to open on his side, and Bucky had gotten a weird feeling about the last one, causing him to freeze as he went to open it.

Bucky always had problems when the hydra bases infiltrated, memories would come back, and it seemed that he would constantly get nightmares or flashbacks about hydra after every mission they went on and haunt him for months. And just as he was getting back to normal and the nightmares would go away, he would have to go on another mission, which always happened to be a hydra base.

Bucky snapped out of his thoughts when a hand was placed on his shoulder. He looked back to see Steve behind him. "There's probably nothing in there, let's just go see if the others need help," Steve said turning around, bucky sighed and followed on for both of them to stop right in their places.

"Did you hear..." Steve trailed off as bucky nodded, they stood there waiting to see if they were just imagining it.

But they weren't imagining it.

After a few minutes, a small child's cry came from that very cell that didn't check, Steve and Bucky looked at each other at the same time, both of their brows furrowed. "That sounds like a kid," Steve said as he took a step towards the door, and opened it, and froze at the sight.

The room was dark, but the light from the hallway showed enough. It was empty, there was nothing. Except for a small box in the center of the cold, darl, and damp room.

Bucky saw that his friend was frozen, which made his curiosity rise as he looked over Steve's shoulder only to freeze just like him.

"Cap, Robo. where are yall, we told you to meet at the jet, five minutes ago." Tony said over their linked comms. They had been so focused on the fact that there was possibly a child in that box, they had not heard anything.

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