Chapter 10 | birthday

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I woke up this morning to my phone ringing several time and I looked at the caller Id And I saw that it was Apollo so I answered "happy birthday Princess" he said to me as soon as I answer the call, oh my goodness I totally forgot today was my bir...

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I woke up this morning to my phone ringing several time and I looked at the caller Id And I saw that it was Apollo so I answered "happy birthday Princess" he said to me as soon as I answer the call, oh my goodness I totally forgot today was my birthday.

"Thank you so much Apollo" I said to him with a big smile even though he couldn't see that I was smiling but I'm sure he already knew that I was. "hurry and get ready Princess the guys and I have a surprise for you" he said to me and I squeal excitedly then I say bye to Apollo and I begin to get ready.

When I was finished I head downstairs to leave school I was hoping father wasn't down there he had finally come home last night but he was drunk and it didn't go too well for me I even have to bruises to show it. "Where the hell do you think your going!" 'darn nothing ever goes my way' I thought to myself after hearing him yell.

"I have to go to school father" I tell him making sure I look straight to the floor and not making eye contact, father always told me never to make eye contact with him because only people he respected and cared for could make eye contact with him.

"I don't want you to come home tonight I'm having some friends over and I can't have them know what a disgusting thing lives in my home, I mean look at you your dresses like a whore" he says to me and I bite my lower lip trying to hold in my tears.

I didn't look like what he said did I, I was wearing my cheer uniform but it was only mandatory this week because it was spirited week at school "Yes father I'll make sure not to come home tonight" I tell him while walking out the door.

Once I'm outside I spot Apollo's car and that instantly cheers me up. "Hi Apollo" I say to him once I get into his car, it's a really nice car too it's all black and the windows are tinted so no one could see inside. "Hey Princess happy birthday" he says to me with a smile, All the guys never really smile at anyone but they do to me and I've always wondered why they only smile at me.

"Let's get you to Attis's house the surprise is there, then we'll all go to school together" he tells me and I just nod at him with a smile.

After a couple of minutes we had made it to Attis's house, I've been to all the guys houses but they still always mesmerized me with how big they are. Apollo and I got out of the car and began making our way inside, it was always so cold outside but thankfully I had a jacket it was one that Apollo gave to me.

It was a black leather jacket that fit me big but it was so soft on the inside, he told me I could wear it whenever I wanted but when I was alone I should always wear it for some reason. On the back of the jacket it said Russo's I knew that was Apollo's last name which I found weird but it didn't really matter to me.

Once we were inside he lead me to Attis's room, when I opened the door to his room I gasped there were the guys and in the room were two big balloons one had the number one on it and the other one had the number eight in it then on Attis's bed there were two baskets one had a bunch of sweets and pink roses and the other one had a blanket, big teddy bear, fuzzy socks, perfume, lotion, chapstick, and a photo of all of us in a frame.

"Oh my goodness, I love you guys" I said to them giving them all a hug and kiss in the cheek "only the best for you darling" Ruslan said to me

"Princess come here" Apollo said to me and I follow him out of the room, once we're in another room he pulls out a small box he opens it to reveal a gold necklace that said my name on it "I love it so much, thank you Apollo" I said while looking up at him with a smile.

His eyes held an unknown emotional I couldn't quite figure out what it was "you're welcome Princess" he says to me while pulling me into a hug 'he smells so good' I thought to myself

"Now come on let's get you to school and the later we can come get the things and take them to your house" he said and I froze at the idea of my father seeing everything the guys got for me, he would probably call me all the nasty names he calls me then beat me black and blue again.

All the guys get into Apollo's car and head to school, when I got there all the cheerleaders and some of the other kids in school wished me a happy birthday and I thanked them all, before I got to class I had to go get a paper from the principal so I when to the front office and I knocked on his office door and I walked in when I heard him say I could come in.

"Hi sir I needed the slip for next weeks game" I tell him and he tells me he's going to print it out so I wait "angel" I hear someone call out and I looked up then I saw Alessandro 'what is he doing here' I wondered to myself "hi Alessandro" I say to him with a smile and then I hear someone clear their throat from besides him.

I turn and I see four other men besides him all looking much older then Alessandro and just as intimidating as him "hi sweetheart I'm Alessandro's dad, what's your name" one of the guys says to me "my names Maeve is very lovely to meet you sir" I say to him with a smile.

"Oh my goodness she's adorable, hi I'm Chris and this is my boyfriend rainen" he says then points to the other man besides him and I say hi back to him "alright Maeve here is the slip" mr. raves said to me while handing me while handing me the piece of paper "hey angel who gave you that jacket" Alessandro asks me looking a bit confused.

"Oh my friend gave it to me, it was very lovely to meet you all but I have to get to class" I say to Alessandro then the rest of the men in the room, As I'm about to leave the room I hear mr.raves call out to me "oh and by the way happy birthday Maeve I hope you have a lovely day" he says and I thank him before leaving his office and heading to class.

I started reading 'it ends with us' today and I'm not mentally nor physically prepared for the amount of heartbreak I'm about to receive.
Anyways love you all I hope your enjoying the book so far <3

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