Chapter Two.

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"Jane made us cookies and watched movies with us and we also played--" the oldest of my younger brothers Abel tried to tell me about his time at Jane's house but after hearing it for the tenth time I was ready to cut my ears off.

"Abel buddy I heard you. I'm glad you and Elias had fun." I tried to keep the irritation out of my voice since he didn't mean any harm, it was simply just his child brain being hyper, so to keep from sounding mean I kept my voice pitched to a strange tone.

This immediately made Abel laugh hysterically.

He laughed so hard that he almost fell into the snow but was saved by me when I caught his wrist. "Be careful," I continued the voice which then infected little Elias, who had been half asleep this entire walk.

"Dats funny." He giggled.

Small heads falling back with laughter long after I had stopped the voice. "Alright kiddos pull it together its cold and I want to go home." herding them in the direction of home, they walked a bit ahead of me in matching blue snow suits.

The two laughing and playing around.

Rubbing my temples with a sigh, I mentally began preparing for the rest of the night when my phone began ringing. Pulling it out I saw it was my mom calling me but for some reason I couldn't bring myself to answer the phone so instead I let it go to voicemail before texting.

Me: hey mom what did you need.

Mom: why didn't you answer my call.

Me: I didn't see it till the last minute, sorry.

Mom: okay well I'll call again answer this time.

Me: can't we just text, I have a super bad headache.

I lie, not really wanting to hold an actual conversation at the moment.

Mom: fine.

Me: thank you.
Me: so what do you need?

Mom: I wanted to know what you're doing? Are you home?

Seriously she wanted another check in.

I shake my head. My parents were so ridiculous sometimes, I mean I'd already talked to dad today so I didn't need another one.

Me: No, I'm walking with the boys. I just picked them up from Jane's.

Mom: oh okay.
Mom: well get home quickly, it's dark outside.

What was I a child?

Sighing at my mom's worry, I fixed my thumbs to respond when something out of the corner of my eye caught my attention, turning my head in the direction of the interest my eyes landed on the infamous Baker street alleyway.

This alleyway was located directly behind a butcher shop and family restaurant, it was longer than it was wide so most cars didn't risk going down it --besides the garbage truck. Mostly it was used by students on their way to school, cutting their journey down by a few minutes.

It was a pretty decent shortcut and I would've used it now if the alleyway hadn't been known for drawing drug dealers and other shady characters there.

In reality the alley was nothing of value but for some reason I couldn't pull my eyes away from the split causing me to lag behind the boys as they goofed around. "Boys wait up," They weren't too far ahead of me but the longer I stared into the darkness of the alleyway the more I was sucked in and the further they seemed from me.

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