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 AN: if your reading this i'm going to try to update this book as much as possible which will be at least once a week :)

Also all of the stats about rowing and the olympic games are not based of the actual events so please don't come at me ahah 


5 years earlier (2016)

"The Aussies have done it again!"

No fucking way.

"Ricki campbell and Sally Kehoe take home Australia's 19th metal of the games!"  


this is not real.

"At just 16 years of age Ricki campbell will be taking a silver and gold metal home from the 2016 Rio olympic games!"

No, i don't belie- 

I was shook back to reality by a shove  in the back that came from my teammate behind me. 


holy shit did we actually win gold? 

"NO FUCKING WAY!." i screamed as a snapped my head in the direction the leaderboard to double check i wasn't dreaming. 

i wasn't dreaming. 

or at-least i hope i wasn't. 

"oh my god." i could feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

 ever since i had taken up rowing as my sport I had  imagined going to the olympics but never in a million years  thought it was going to be this soon and i definitely didn't think i would be competing in two events and bringing home metals in both. 

I wasn't even focused on the fact that i could barley breath or that my legs felt like they where about to fall off, i was in a state of complete shock. 

Before i could even register what i was doing i had taken off my Oakley sunnies off my face to wipe my tears that i didn't even know i had away. 

"no - fucking - way" 

I was still trying to catch my breath when i turned around to look at my teammate.

She looked knackered. 

not to say that i didn't. 

I probably looked worse, but i didn't really care. 

I had almost forgotten about the crowd watching us despite the almost deafening screams coming from the fans dressed in green and gold. 

Between the pain in my body, the deafening screams from the crowd and the mix of emotions  inside of me, this was definitely the best moment of my life. 

With all the adrenaline i had pumping through my body all i wanted to do was just sit here and not move ever.

But i knew that was probably not the best thing to do. 

I looked over and gave crowd a few waves before bringing both my legs that were dangling into the water in an attempt to cool my body off, back into the boat. 

"oh my fucking god" i muttered

I grabbed both my oars and pushed them back a bit to let my teammate know they we needed to do a couple strokes to get back to the platform. 

After taking a few very shaky strokes i basically had to crawl out of the boat. 

My legs felt like jelly.

I didn't know how to explain this feeling even if i tried, it was amazing but so different.  

after living the best moment of my life followed by probably the most embarrassing one, i ran straight for my coach who already had Sally in his embrace. 

"Rhett!" I yelled before wrapping my arms as tight as possible around my coaches neck. 

I couldn't tell if he was shaking or if it was myself but someone was really shaking. 

He had tears in his eyes, and i know for a fact that he wasn't the only one because i could see that sally was about to start bawling before i also gave her a massive hug. 

"This is absolutely fucking amazing!" Rhett yelled wrapping his arms around both of our shoulders.

all of this felt so surreal.

i  just couldn't believe the dream I had since i was 10 had come true. 

There was a squeal of excitement from behind me followed by a loud sob.

I turned around to see my Mum, Dad and sister.

My mum who of which had tears uncontrollably spilling down her cheeks while my older sister had a smile wider than i thought was humanly possible. 

"oh my god Ricki" my mum breathed our before tackling me in her embrace. 

"mum i did it."

I had achieved my dream at such a young age which only meant more for my future. 


(AN: i wanted this to be short and sharp so you guys could just get a good enough picture of Ricki's career or whatever this is ahha so expect more detailed chapter that are a lot long than this.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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