Chapter 6

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When IDOLISH7 gave a new concert, Mui couldn't believe the fact that she tv series the scene on set. She wanted to support them. She really wanted to go to Riku's concert! But it looks like she wouldn't get the chance to attend every single concert. If we come to the part why she was shooting the series scenes on the night of the concert.. Her side character in the series became so popular that she became one of the leading characters.

And Mui had learned that that night. It's not like if she had a chance to react. Only 30 minutes after learning this, she found herself in the middle of the drama set! Since there were scenes that needed to be raised urgently, she was now shooting scenes on the set, literally against her will.

That's why she was so grumpy. The fact that she missed the concert was a disappointment to her. She entered the industry to be with and support Riku, but now she couldn't even find the time to attend his concert. She still couldn't believe the fact that she had become so popular in such a short time.

It's not that she doesn't like her job. She was just angry and upset at the fact that she couldn't attend Riku's concert. Finally, after shooting the last scene, she does not stay there for another minute and quickly collects her things and leaves the set.

When she comes home, she immediately takes the tablet and searches for the concert on social media. Fortunately it was recorded live. So she still had a chance to watch. Unlike last time, this time the concert was completely packed.

But apparently there were some technical issues on the air due to the weather. After a small interruption, she learns that his broadcast continues. After watching his concerts to the end, she leave the tablet and takes her phone out of her bag.

Then she starts writing a message, thinking about how she should explain her absence to Riku.

"I'm not sure where to start.. I really meant to come to the concert, but something happened. I don't know how to explain this with a message. This was a completely last minute development. I really wanted to be there but somehow I found myself in the middle of the drama set! I will explain the details to you later. Just know that I am very sorry!''

Her finger was on the send button, but she was undecided. After about a few more minutes, thinking he deserves at least an explanation, she sends the message. After this goes straight to bed and falls asleep.


Unfortunately, bad luck continued to follow her. Her scenes were more numerous than usual, and they were taking longer than usual to finish filming. So she hadn't had a chance to meet Riku for a few days, but he comforted her by replying to her message that night. They agreed that they can talk about this when meet.

Mui, was shooting the last scene when Riku announced that they had been invited by Music Festa. When she finds out that they are in the studio right now, she quickly finishes the shoot and leaves the set. Immediately after quickly reaches the studio by taking a taxi.

But it was greater than the studio estimate. Finding their backstage wouldn't be easy. Somehow she had found herself in front of the Re:vale club room as she wandered the aisles. This causes to her suddenly become tense. She wasn't sure how to explain herself if they were to get out of there. Just as she started to walk away, she sees Yuki coming from the opposite direction and panics.

Luckily, someone else had appeared in front of Yuki, and Mui took this opportunity to quickly go in the opposite direction. She breathes a sigh of relief when realizes that she has successfully escaped from there.

Then, hearing familiar voices, she turns into another corridor and... Bingo! She had finally found what she was looking for. She rushes to their side and is surprised to hear Iori tell Riku that he must go back to the club room just then.

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